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Pat Buchanan: Probably no 2 presidents have faced such hostility, hatred from media

For two years, this writer has been consumed by two subjects.
First, the presidency of Richard Nixon, in whose White House I served from its first day to its last, covered in my new book, “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”

The second has been the astonishing campaign of Donald Trump and his first 100-plus days as president.
In many ways, the two men could not have been more different.
Trump is a showman, a performer, a real estate deal-maker, born to wealth, who revels in the material blessings his success has brought. Nixon, born to poverty, was studious, reserved, steeped in history, consumed with politics and policy, and among the most prepared men ever to assume the presidency.
Yet the “mess” Trump inherited bears striking similarities to Nixon’s world in 1969.
Both took office in a nation deeply divided.
Nixon was elected in a year marked by the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, race riots in 100 cities, and street battles between cops and radicals at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
By the fall of 1969, Nixon had buses surrounding his White House and U.S. Airborne troops in the basement of his Executive Office Building.
Trump’s campaign and presidency have also been marked by huge and hostile demonstrations.
Both men had their elections challenged by the toxic charge that they colluded with foreign powers to influence the outcome.
Nixon’s aides were accused of conspiring with Saigon to torpedo Lyndon Johnson’s Paris peace talks. Trump aides were charged with collusion with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to disseminate stolen emails of the Democratic National Committee. The U.S. establishment, no stranger to the big lie, could not and cannot accept that the nation preferred these outsiders.
Nixon took office with 525,000 troops tied down in Vietnam. Trump inherited Afghanistan, the longest war in U.S. history, and wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen.
Nixon pledged to end the Vietnam War with honor and begin an era of negotiations – and did. Trump promised to keep us out of new Mideast wars and to reach an accommodation with Russia.
Nixon and Trump both committed to remake the Supreme Court. Having pledged to select a Southerner, Nixon saw two of them, Judges Clement Haynsworth and Harrold Carswell, savaged by the Senate.
While Nixon was the first president since Zachary Taylor to take office without his party’s having won either house of Congress, Trump took office with his party in control of both. Thus, Trump’s nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, made it.
Probably no two presidents have ever faced such hostility and hatred from the media. After his 1969 “Silent Majority” speech on Vietnam was trashed, Nixon declared war, authorizing an attack on the three networks by Vice President Spiro Agnew.
Trump has not stopped bashing the media since he came down the escalator at Trump Tower to declare his candidacy.
In Trump’s first major victory on Capitol Hill, the House voted narrowly to “repeal and replace” Obamacare. Only with a tie-breaking vote by Agnew in August 1969 did Nixon win his first big victory – Senate approval of a strategic missile defense.
Though Nixon had backed every civil rights law of the 1950s and ’60s, he was charged with pursuing a racist “Southern strategy” to capture the South from Dixiecrats, whose ilk had ruled it for a century.
Trump was also slandered for running a “racist” campaign.
Trump and Nixon were supported by the same loyalists – “forgotten Americans,” “Middle Americans,” “blue-collar Democrats” – and opposed and detested by the same enemy, a political-media-intellectual-cultural establishment. And this establishment is as determined to break and bring down Trump as it was to break and bring down Nixon.
Yet though Trump and Nixon ran up similar Electoral College victories, Nixon at the end of 1969 was at 68 percent approval and only 19 percent disapproval. Trump, a third of the way through his first year, is underwater in Gallup.
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Nixon’s achievements in his first term were extraordinary.
He went to Beijing and opened up Mao Zedong’s China to the world, negotiated with Moscow the greatest arms limitation agreement since the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 and withdrew all U.S. forces from South Vietnam.
He desegregated the South, ended the draft, gave the vote to all 18-year-olds, indexed Social Security against inflation, created the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, named four justices to the Supreme Court, presided over six moon landings, declared a “war on cancer,” proposed a guaranteed annual income, created revenue sharing with the states, took America off the gold standard and let the dollar float.
He then won a 49-state landslide in 1972, creating a “New Majority,” and setting the stage for Republican control of the presidency for 16 of the next 20 years.
But in June 1972, a bungled bugging at the DNC, which Nixon briefly sought to contain and then discussed as the White House tapes were rolling, gave his enemies the sword they needed to run him through.
The same deep state enemies await a similar opening to do to Trump what they did to Nixon. Rely upon it.


Homer 33C Sixth-graders learn about weather, navigation from United Express pilot

News Release
Homer CCSD 33C
Goodings Grove Luther J. Schilling William E. Young William J. Butler
Hadley Middle Homer Jr. High
Charla Brautigam, Communications/Public Relations Manager
| 708-226-7628
For Immediate Release:
May 9, 2017
Sixth-graders learn about weather, navigation from United Express
See how math and science are used to fly
Hadley Middle School sixth-graders now see a connection between learning
and real life.
Captain Ken Hellem, a pilot with United Express, stopped by the school
recently and talked to students about his 20-year career and how he uses
math and science daily. File_001.jpeg
“It was a nice tie in with Next Generation Science Standards and preparing
future ready students,” said sixth-grade math teacher Heather Martello who
arranged the visit.
It wasn’t difficult to convince the pilot to stop by. Hellem is Martello’s
He’s also a resident of Homer Glen with a preschooler at Young School.
During his visit to Hadley Middle School, Hellem discussed weather,
navigation, weight and balance, and aerodynamics. He also answered
questions from students.
“All in all, it was a great learning experience,” said Martello.
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Trump News May 9, 2017


With yesterday’s nominations, President Donald J. Trump continues delivering on his promises to the American people by filling judicial vacancies with jurists who are committed to upholding the Constitution and defending the rule of law, not advancing their personal political agenda.


  • 10:00AM: President Trump meets with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster


President Trump Announces Judicial Candidate Nominations.
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President Trump calls President-Elect Emmanuel Macron of France.
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Photo of the Day:

Vice President Mike Pence participates in an honor flight reception in the Indian Treaty Room. (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen).
View Photo
Republicans just took a major step toward rescuing Americans from Obamacare.
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Vice President Pence honors Public Service Recognition Week and National Military Appreciation Month.
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Watch yesterday’s press briefing with Sean Spicer:

Today, a press briefing will be held at 1:30PM ET in the White House Briefing Room with Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Watch it LIVE here.


  • The Hill: Business coalition: Trump tax plan ‘will spark an economic boom’
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  • Washington Examiner: Manufacturing openings, hires rise to highest levels of the recovery
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  • Daily Signal: Younger Judicial Nominees Give Trump Chance for Legacy in Courts
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What’s is Glass-Steagall

Is This Glass-Steagall Half Empty?
Jason Williams Photo By Jason Williams
Written Friday, May 5, 2017
Since the financial collapse of 2008, we’ve heard lots of talk about depression-era legislation referred to as Glass-Steagall.
We’ve been told it would have prevented the crisis. We’ve also been told it had nothing to do with the things that caused the crisis.
Depending on whom you listen to, it was either the greatest legislation ever or a complete waste of time.
And since Donald Trump started campaigning for the U.S. presidency, we’ve heard even more talk about it. He says he’s for it. A lot of the people who put him in office are for it.
Maybe he’s really a proponent of breaking up big banks. I doubt that.
Maybe he just wants to garner support from voters who are still clamoring for a reinstatement of the legislation. I think that’s more likely.
Maybe he’s just blowing wind. Probably the most likely explanation.
I’m not here to talk about that or try to guess what’s going on behind the bluster. I’ll leave that to the talking heads on the 24-hour news networks.
I’d rather get into what Glass-Steagall really was and talk about how it worked (or failed) to prevent another banking collapse.
What’s is Glass-Steagall?
The Glass-Steagall Act is actually the Banking Act of 1933 in its entirety. But when people refer to Glass-Steagall these days, they’re only talking about four provisions.
And when people talk about a reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, they’re only referring to one of those four provisions.
When you really get down to it, most people are only talking about two sections of that one provision.
You see, two of the four provisions are still intact. And everyone seems to be happy about one of them being gone…
The legislation created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This was to prevent another run on the banks like what happened in 1929.
It’s why customers don’t have to be worried about their accounts — at least not any that are under $250,000. Those are insured by the FDIC, and pretty much every bank offers that kind of protection.
That was never repealed. And it was a big part of the legislation.
Interestingly enough, Glass-Steagall also laid the foundation for the Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC). That’s the group that meets eight times a year and sets interest rates.
I say “interestingly enough” because a lot of the people out there talking about how great Glass-Steagall was also think the FOMC has too much power. Those are the same people who complain about the easy money policy of the Federal Reserve. And they’ve forgotten it was Glass-Steagall that gave the FOMC that kind of authority.
Then there’s the one part that nobody cares was repealed. It forbade banks from paying interest on “demand accounts.” Those are accounts that can be accessed by savers at any time. So, your checking or savings account couldn’t accrue any interest.
The only way to get interest was by having a term deposit like a certificate of deposit. If you couldn’t easily get to the money, banks could pay interest on it.
That was repealed in 2011 — long after the recession. And nobody seems to be hankering for a return to the days of old there.
What Does Everyone Want?
There’s only one part of Glass-Steagall anyone cares about these days, and it’s the one that separated commercial banking from investment banking. Well, sort of separated it.
You’re probably wondering why I said “sort of.” Worry not. I’ll get to that a little later. First let’s talk about those sections of the regulation.
Section 16: This part of the legislation prohibited national banks from buying or selling securities except for a customer’s account. It also prohibited them from underwriting or distributing securities — except U.S. government, state, and local bonds. Section 5 (c) applied these rules to state banks that were members of the Federal Reserve System. Still in effect.
Section 20: This kept any Federal Reserve member bank from being affiliated with a company that “engaged principally” in “the issue, flotation, underwriting, public sale, or distribution” of securities. This was repealed in 1999.
Section 21: This is the part that prohibited any company or person from taking deposits if it was in the business of “issuing, underwriting, selling, or distributing” securities. That means investment companies like Smith Barney or Merrill Lynch can’t also have a savings wing. Also, still in effect.
Section 32: This section made it illegal for a Federal Reserve member bank’s officers and directors to have a role at any of the companies noted in Section 21. But the Federal Reserve Board could grant exemptions on a case-by-case basis. This section was also repealed in 1999.
So, What Do You Mean, “Sort Of?”
Now you’ve got a little background on the parts of Glass-Steagall some people want back. So, let’s talk a bit about how it was already dead long before being repealed.
There were so many loopholes in Glass-Steagall that it never really had a big impact on banks.
You see, except for Section 21, the legislation only applied to Federal Reserve member commercial banks. To put that into perspective, only about 38% of U.S. banks are currently members of the Federal Reserve System.
That means most of these rules never applied to savings and loans, state nonmember banks, and any other firm or individual in the business of taking deposits.
Also, Sections 16 and 21 prohibit banks from selling securities and prevent securities firms from taking deposits. But the legislation’s affiliation provisions didn’t have those absolute prohibitions.
Section 20 merely prohibited a bank from directly affiliating with a firm “engaged principally” in underwriting, distributing, or dealing in securities. It didn’t say anything about the bank’s parent company not doing the same thing.
Section 32 said a bank couldn’t share employees or directors with a securities firm. And that could be circumvented with an exemption from the Federal Reserve Board.
It was those two differences that led to a lot of regulatory actions. And those actions pretty much took the teeth out of Glass-Steagall long before it was ever repealed.
Plus, no part of the legislation but Section 21 applied to all institutions. And that gave plenty of opportunities for banks and their lawyers to exploit the loopholes.
Starting back in the 1960s, regulators’ interpretations of the law let commercial banks engage in more and more securities activities. Banks were able to create financial products that blurred the distinction between banking and security products. That led to even more leniency from courts and eventually the merging of banking and securities companies.
One of largest examples of failure came in 1998. Citigroup (the owner of Citibank) bought Solomon Smith Barney (a securities firm). The interpretation of Glass-Steagall at the time did nothing to stop it. By that point, Glass-Steagall was effectively dead.
That was a year before the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed Sections 20 and 32 of Glass-Steagall and put the final nails in the coffin.
Don’t Call It a Comeback
Glass-Steagall may make a comeback. I don’t know. There are a bunch of people who think it would be a good idea. There are also a bunch who think it would be a waste of time.
Judging by how effective it was the first time, I’m probably a member of the latter group.
Any reenactment of Sections 20 and 32 of Glass-Steagall would likely be no more than a symbolic gesture to garner voter support. If it wasn’t enforced last time, what makes people think it’ll be enforced this time?
I’m all for protecting the American taxpayer from funding another bailout. I just don’t think this kind of legislation will do it.
I’m sure there are a lot of folks out there with a different opinion. But, hey, that’s mine.
Plus, I’m inclined to agree with my colleague, Briton Ryle, when he says big banks are a good thing.
They can back huge lines of credit for corporations. They can offer cost savings to their customers. They can diversify their risk better than small ones. They’re something we need.
I’ll be keeping an eye on the news for what’s going to happen with all this talk. I’m sure you will, too. But I’m convinced nothing will come to fruition.
And if it does, I certainly don’t think it’s going to break up the banks the way we’re being told. Honestly, I hope it doesn’t.
To investing with integrity (and a grain of salt),
Jason Williams
Wealth Daily

Scotus rejects guilty until proven innocent


Scotus rejects guilty until proven innocent


Justice court


There are numerous unbelievable ways in America that federal, state and local authorities can seize your property and convert it to the various levels of government. This is a revenue raising measure under the color of law.
The concept of forfeiture is a very old concept of English Common Law which the United States and 60 other countries inherited. This concept, which now pervades U.S. law, is known as civil forfeiture.
My study of this suggests to me that this has become an attractive incentive to steal property legally under legal pretenses. And it has been done many times.
For example, if someone plants marijuana on your land, even if without your knowledge, your property can be seized and taken as a civil forfeiture.
Yes, there are many cases where property was manipulated into seizure and forfeiture.
You may have heard of the famous California case of Donald Scott who in 1992 was shot down inside his home without provocation. The “legal” pretense used for the raid by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Drug Enforcement Agency, California Bureau of Narcotics, the California National Guard and the National Park Services, was that Scott was growing marijuana on his 200-acre estate. But no marijuana or drugs of any kind were found. Of course, an “investigation” by the LEOs (legally entitled to oppress) found no wrongdoing by the badge-wearing assailants on the scene.
An investigation by Ventura County District Attorney Michael Bradbury revealed:

“The statement of Probable Cause upon which the warrant was based includes a number of statements which could be considered false… In addition, there are a number of facts that could be considered material omissions… We find no reason why law enforcement officers who were investigating suspected narcotics violations would have any interest in the value of (Scott’s ranch) or the value of the property sold in the same area other than if they had a motive to forfeit that property.”

Based on the investigative profile, the Scotts were deemed “promising” targets for property seizure. Mr. Scott’s holdings had high value, making them valuable for seizure and forfeiture.
Scott’s home burned to the ground a year later in a wildfire. After many years of legal wrangling, Los Angeles County and the federal government agreed to a $5 million settlement with Scott’s wife, heirs and estate.
Until 1978, civil forfeiture was used primarily to seize property involved in customs offenses, but in that year Congress expanded its scope to permit confiscation of the proceeds of drug transactions.
This was a revolutionary change, as it marked the evolution of civil forfeiture into punishment, without any of the safeguards due a defendant in a criminal proceeding. Forfeiture can be pursued criminally and civilly at the same time.
An even larger expansion of civil forfeiture authority came with the 1986 money laundering statute. The Act provided for civil forfeiture of all property representing the proceeds of, involved in or facilitating a “specified unlawful activity.”
Such activities now include more than 200 federal crimes. The Act, in effect, expands the scope of civil forfeiture from customs and narcotics violations to any criminal offense that involves money.
Modern civil forfeiture laws provide the government with several unique advantages.
A seizure or asset freeze is authorized in an “ex parte” hearing (without the defendant or defendant’s lawyer being present) before a judge, magistrate or administrator. Except when real property is involved, the property owner need not be informed of this hearing, and thus may not attend it, much less contest the seizure.
The very important point here about civil forfeiture is the potential for totally innocent owners to be deprived of their property. Studies have shown that in 80 percent or more of civil forfeiture cases, the owners of the seized property were completely innocent of any wrongdoing.
And yet another lash against private property via civil forfeiture was that government is permitted to use hearsay evidence to establish probable cause to seize property. This made it possible for civil forfeitures based on tips from confidential informants whose claims that the property was linked to criminal activity could not be challenged. The informants do not have to confront the property owner or be identified. Once the government establishes probable cause, the burden shifts to the owner to demonstrate that the property was in fact not linked to criminal activity.
This smacks to me of the old Star Chamber proceeding where an accused was forced to confess and then hanged or put on the rack for his confession.
This should suggest to everyone that seizures and forfeiture under obscure laws that require no evidence of illegal activity for their enforcement is tyranny by any definition.
Over the years the United States Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the innocence of a property owner is no defense to forfeiture.
But a ruling by the SCOTUS this week may help reverse the tide.
In a 7-1 decision (new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was not involved in the proceedings), SCOTUS struck down a Colorado law that forced criminal defendants to prove their innocence when their convictions were overturned. While the case – which involved fines and restitution paid before the conviction was overturned on appeal — didn’t involve civil forfeiture per say, the majority opinion stated the defendants were entitled to the presumption of innocence and “should not be saddled with any proof burden” to regain what is rightfully theirs.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, writing for the majority, rejected Colorado’s argument that “[t]he presumption of innocence applies only at criminal trials,” and not to civil claims, as under the Exoneration Act:  “Colorado may not presume a person, adjudged guilty of no crime, nonetheless guilty enough for monetary exactions.”
As Nick Sibilla of the Institute for Justice writes for Forbes:

Armed with this ruling, the Nelson decision may set an important precedent to rein in another abusive civil proceeding: civil forfeiture. The parallels are striking. Through civil forfeiture, law enforcement can confiscate and keep cash, cars and real estate without securing a criminal conviction or filing charges against the owner. Perversely, under civil forfeiture, even those found not guilty in criminal court can still forfeit their property in civil court, since the latter has a lower standard of proof.

Curiously, Justice Clarence Thomas – who has argued vociferously against asset forfeiture for many years — was the lone dissenter in the case, claiming, in essence, the majority decision was not based on any state or federal law and the plaintiffs did not argue their case correctly.
So rather than issuing the wrong ruling for the wrong reasons – which is the usual practice of SCOTUS – the Supreme Court may have issued the right ruling for the wrong reasons in this case.

Judicial Watch Tipsheet May 8, 2017


Top Stories
Judicial Watch Sues over Records on Obama E-Cig Regs — “Judicial Watch announced  that it filed a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) seeking records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disea” …http://jwatch.us/hMh9DA
Judicial Watch: Court Rules State Department Must Release Clinton Emails Detailing Obama Response to Benghazi — ” Judicial Watch today announced that U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson has ordered the U.S. Department of State to turn over to Judicial Watch “eight identical”…http://jwatch.us/Gdjhpi
Judicial Watch Releases First Set of Numbers on President Trump Travel: Air Force One Costs for Two Trips: $1,281,420 — “The Secret Service hasn’t responded to Judicial Watch’s request for records about this or any other trip by President Trump and other administration VIPs.”…http://jwatch.us/UEFn1r
State Prosecutors Go Easy on Alien Criminals to Avert “Collateral Immigration Consequences” — “In the last few weeks prosecutors in two major U.S. cities have ordered staff not to charge illegal immigrants with minor, non-violent crimes because it could get the offenders dep”…http://jwatch.us/49C2Ca
New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending and Receiving Classified Emails Through Unsecure Server — “Judicial Watch released 894 pages of new State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which.”…http://jwatch.us/STJZaW
Glimmer of Hope — “Conner spots some glimmers of hope that under Secretary DeVos, at least some of the federal meddling will be reversed. For one thing, she is not going to enforce a 2016 rule regarding transgender bathrooms put out by the old regime when that issue was hot. For another, DeVos has appointed (at least temporarily) attorney Candice Jackson as deputy secretary for civil rights. Jackson is a “libertarian feminist” who has worked for Judicial Watch and written a book on the way the Clinton machine went after the women who accused Bill of mistreating them. The Left knows that personnel is policy and therefore is throwing a tantrum over Jackson.”…http://bit.ly/2qJUkQ4
Judicial Watch Sues Sally Yates — “A conservative watchdog group is suing for access to Sally Yates’ emails from her brief but eventful tenure as acting attorney general during the early days of the Trump administration. Judicial Watch filed the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit  in federal court in Washington Friday, seeking copies of Yates’ Justice Department email traffic from January 20, 2017 through January 31, 2017—one day after she was fired by President Donald Trump for refusing to defend his travel ban executive order”…http://politi.co/2pTE5ib
More Classified Emails — “Hundreds of new State Department emails released by the watchdog group Judicial Watch (JW) show additional instances of Hillary Clinton sending and receiving classified information through an unsecure server. JW released 894 pages  of new State materials, obtained through a FOIA lawsuit against the Department, including previously unreleased email conversations that show the former secretary of state being sent additional classified information via her unsecure clintonmail.com email account from her senior aide Huma Abedin”…http://bit.ly/2qK06kS

Must Watch

President of Judicial Watch on the former national security adviser’s refusal to testify before Senate subcommittee http://bit.ly/2pWJRQt
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reacts to state prosecutors going easy on illegal immigrant criminals to avert deportation. http://bit.ly/2pn9G8D
On Watch: Episode 13 – The Strange Case of Jesus ‘Eddie’ Campa (Continued) http://jwatch.us/ivzgXv
Tom Fitton gives updates on the Clinton Email and Benghazi Scandals, Trump Travel Expenses http://bit.ly/2pYv3ir

Trump News May 8, 2017


President Donald J. Trump has made it clear that American companies that fire their workers and ship their operations out of the country will not be able to sell their products back into the United States without paying a penalty. Those days are over. America First means the interests of American workers must come first.


  • 10:00AM: President Trump meets with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster


  • 12:00PM: President Trump has lunch with Vice President Mike Pence
  • 2:00PM: President Trump meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson




President Trump signs H.R. 244 into law.
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Read President Trump’s Statement




Watch Friday’s press briefing with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders:

Today, a press briefing will be held at 1:30PM ET in the White House Briefing Room with Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Watch it LIVE here.


  • Washington Free Beacon: Manufacturing CEO Says He’s Investing $2 Billion in US Because of ‘Confidence in Trump’
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  • Daily Caller: Trump To Appoint 10 Lower Court Federal Judges
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Homer 33C The Future Ready Student Foundation is raffling off FOUR one-day passes to all four parks in Walt Disney World!

News Release
Homer CCSD 33C
Goodings Grove Luther J. Schilling William E. Young William J. Butler
Hadley Middle Homer Jr. High
Charla Brautigam, Communications/Public Relations Manager
| 708-226-7628
For Immediate Release:
May 8, 2017
Enter to win FOUR 1-day passes to Walt Disney World
Raffle tickets now on sale
The Future Ready Student Foundation is raffling off FOUR one-day passes
to all four parks in Walt Disney World!
Tickets are valued at $640, but you could win them for $5!
Enter at:
Tickets are $5 each; five for $20; or 15 for $40.
FRSF Disney Raffle.jpg
The drawing is Friday, May 12 at Konow’s Family Fun Days.
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Can times get better in America without a major crisis?

Can times get better in America without a major crisis?



Editors note:

The various Federal Circuits seem to be controlling Donald Trump’s legal authority on immigration. He wants to stop criminals and terrorists from entering the U.S. a sensible way of protecting citizens. Obama did not enforce the law and nothing was said, no complaints from the courts. Obama even took the side of Mexico against Arizona with the Courts remaining silent. As a citizen I am angry. Who decides what laws will be allowed to be enforced? Do these Federal Circuits have absolute power to decide on our laws. These Judges are appointed, not elected and seem to remain as a judge for life. The Constitution should be the law of the land. Unfortunately it has been under attack for years by those who want to replace it with law they like. The problem is agreeing on law is not so easy with no bench to fall back to. The Global Elites want to control people, while many people have no clue what they are doing to all of us in the name of the law. Trump wants to return power back to the people while the Global elite want to take that power by any means. All they need is 1 judge from 1 Federal Circuit to start a negative chain of events on the American  people.

There is war going on now between government and the American people. It’s being fought on many fronts. Only a few Americans are aware of the depth and breadth of what is happening, and fewer still are seriously concerned.
You knowledgeable readers of Personal Liberty® and consumers of non-fake news are outliers, making up only a small percentage of the American populace. The vast majority of Americans are unaware, and unaware that they are unaware. They are blown to and fro and easily excited over every fake meme and outrage making its way across social media and headlined on mainstream media outlets.
Did you know that the U.S. has almost as many in prison as China and Russia combined?
The U.S. is a prosecuting attorney haven. What else would anyone expect with more lawyers in the U.S. than the rest of the world combined?
The American system of Justice (just us) is the modern version of the old Star Chamber. A Star Chamber is a system of entrapment that provides no escape. The accused is made to testify against himself and then punished upon confession of guilt.
American jurisprudence is just like the Star Chamber. All rules of evidence in the U.S. start with “pretrial discovery” or the deposition of the defendant. The defendant is sworn to tell the truth which necessarily includes confession and testimony against himself. If he refuses to testify (confess) he is arrested and jailed. If, on the other hand he answers the questions, he will sooner or later incriminate himself.
It is a crime to lie to federal agents (and even local police can charge you with obstruction of justice for lying), but it is not a crime for federal agents – or any investigative agent – to lie to you about any evidence he may or may not possess. In fact, they are trained to lie in order to attempt to extract from you a confession or to coerce you into incriminating yourself in a crime for which they did not even suspect.
The IRS entrapment system is the perfect example of the Star Chamber. If you don’t agree to testify (confession), the agent forces your tax return without benefit of deductions. The U.S. is especially aggressive in seeking tax prosecution cases.
America has many political prisoners. The “law” and the criminal code are used to go after anyone who will not conform.
Ninety-nine percent of all cases prosecuted go in favor of the government. Anyone thinking that they have constitutional rights in America need to know this before they go into court against the government. It is almost impossible to beat the king in his own court. He has an ever-full money sack, an army of investigators and lawyers and a sympathetic press at his discretion.
So yes, you are guilty! Believe me, anyone in America can be prosecuted on some tax or other nebulous pretext. There is a crime for all of us. Currently there are some 4,500 listed criminal offenses. These listed Federal offenses have exploded well beyond the statute books and into the morass of the Code of Federal Regulations, giving federal prosecutors thousands of additional vague, complex and technical prohibitions removed from congressional authority or any authority but the federal prosecutors themselves. People are targeted and a crime is found to fit.
As Harvey Silverglate writes in his book, “Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent,” it’s more than likely that every American commits at least three felonies every day just going about the normal, everyday task of living.
John Stuart Mill wrote in his classic work On Liberty, “Let us not flatter ourselves that we are yet free from the stain of legal persecution.” Oxford World Classics 1998 ed. pp34.
The government uses criminal law for political purposes. Oaths are imposed to twist people into self-prosecution.
The American press cannot be trusted to expose the truth. The national press is either part of the Central Intelligence Agency or is owned/controlled by the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations. The national press is also in an incestuous relationship with both major political parties.
The few independent journalists who manage to make it to prominence must comply with established orthodoxy or be run out of town (see Sharyl Attkisson and Helen Thomas) so they are fearful and intimidated by the government. The press will only tell the government’s side of any issue.
Even though government is on the brink of collapse, no one will relinquish power.
Federal judges, as a whole, only rule in favor of the government. Few Americans are aware that the judiciary of the United States is accountable to no one. Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said the most ruthless, dishonest and dangerous segment in our government is the unaccountable judiciary.
Everything lies in their hands, from property values to the national wealth itself. When the rule of law becomes the self-interest of the state, nobody is safe. Your future is destroyed and your savings and assets are not secure.
When a Federal judge does not have any checks and balances to regulate his behavior, the very purpose of the rule of law is defeated.
There is no incentive to obey any law when prosecutors (prosecuting attorneys) and all judges have absolute immunity and when persons of privilege and stature are exonerated for wrongdoing that puts others under the prison (Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin). It does not matter if they are in direct conflict with the established law and the U.S. Constitution.
The government legal system forces pleas of guilty on threat of much larger sentences if one goes to trial. This, too, is our modern version of the old Star Chamber. You see, we don’t have to call it Star Chamber.
Federal, state and local police agencies have become branches of the military (the standing army the Founders feared), outfitted in full military garb and with all the weapons of war. They are trained with an us-versus-them mentality (many of them now come out of the Middle East wars) and respond to even the most minor of all incidents with overwhelming force.
Like judges and prosecutors, LEOs (legally entitled to oppress) enjoy qualified immunity. They are rarely held accountable when their actions lead to the death or injury of someone they suspect of being a criminal.  So any system or government agent immune from prosecution can never be wrong, and tyranny reigns. So it is government against the people, not government by the people.
The major parties and the press – aided by foreign money (George Soros) — are also fomenting civil war among the masses. These battles are breaking out in cities across the nation under the guise of protests against offensive speech or ideology and defense of free speech.
But the participants are largely paid actors who are working to incite the populace against itself. What we are witnessing is the Hegelian Dialectic or synthesis, of creating a new order or thesis.
The U.S. is past the point of no return. Even though the system is stained with blood, it will not and it cannot self-correct. And certainly it will not through the political process, which only rearranges the deck chairs. It will have to totally collapse.
So to answer the original interrogative: Can times get better in America without a major crisis?
Not possible!
We must go through the fire to wipe the slate clean. I hope you are prepared. If you are, I will meet you on the other side and together we can rebuild a free nation.
How do we discover the truth?
Psychological warfare: How words shape our thoughts and actions 
America is under military occupation, but Americans are pushing back 
What happens when benevolent totalitarianism ceases to be benevolent?
What can you do now as an American citizen? 
Affirmatively destroying America’s neighborhoods in the war on suburbia

Take a look at America’s future

Take a look at America’s future


If you want to know what America will soon look like, look no further than Venezuela.
Despite sitting on some of the world’s greatest oil reserves, Venezuela’s Marxist government is collapsing. It’s not a pretty sight.
The American media is giving short shrift to the Venezuelan situation. People are starving. It is so bad that zoo animals have been butchered for food. Bakery owners are being imprisoned for making unapproved bread and because lines form outside their shops.
Street protests are growing in number and would be of even greater size if so many of the people weren’t too weak from hunger to protest.
Still hundreds of thousands are in the streets daily, and have been for weeks, protesting President Nicolás Maduro and demanding immediate presidential elections. Maduro has responded by dancing in public, nationalizing multinational corporations and vowing to rewrite the nation’s constitution in order to cement his power.
Clashes are getting ever-more violent. At least 37 have died in the most recent rounds of unrest. On Wednesday, video emerged of a government armored vehicle rolling over protesters, seriously injuring at least one.

It is curious that when a “terrorist” rolls a truck over a crowd in France or Switzerland, we get wall-to-wall coverage from the mainstream media, but when a government truck rolls over a crowd, the MSM is mum, demonstrating their power over public perception.
I predicted Venezuela’s collapse in the March 2008 issue of The Bob Livingston Letter™ (subscription required), writing:

Witness Zimbabwe today: 7,000 percent inflation and the once great and prosperous nation called Rhodesia is now in chaos and collapse.
The same inflation printing press money is fast building in Venezuela. Unless they have a regime change, total collapse lies ahead.

Although they changed titular heads because of the cancer death of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela did not have regime change. Now, inflation in Venezuela is approaching 2,000 percent. Its currency collapse began in 2012.
How could I have predicted this? Socialism and printing press money regimes always collapse. And so, too, will America.
Inflation is a great illusion. Few understand or try to understand it. Yet it is the great theft and hidden tax on the entire population.
What is inflation? Just pull your wallet out and get a green piece of paper called dollars or currency. You have in your hand inflation, a product of the “money creators.”
Every dollar created as well as all the credit created is inflation. This is a huge secret of the elite insiders.
The important thing to understand is that inflation (creating money) is theft coupled with destruction of wealth and eventually ruin. All who hold dollars are at risk but few realize it.
And not many will understand or believe that what is happening in Venezuela, and what happened in Zimbabwe in 2000-2009, and what happened in the Weimar Republic in Germany in 1923 is repeating in the U.S.
Our politicians and government men are just as greedy as any in the past — anywhere in the world.
Before inflation becomes deflation at the end, there are many illusions simply because we are not conscious of the difference between nominal (inflated) dollars and constant dollars measured from a base purchasing power 60 to 70 years ago. Constant dollars don’t change. Nominal (inflation) dollars change every day. The reason the public is confused is the gradual change.
People will accept anything gradually over time.
The American people have gone from freedom to fascism in 200 years and most are totally oblivious to it.
I will write more on this in the coming weeks.