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Judicial Watch Continues to fight for the people "God Bless Them"

Court Grants Judicial Watch Request, Orders Top Obama DOJ Official to Preserve Podesta Email Communications
“Judicial Watch announced that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted Judicial Watch’s Motion to Preserve emails of a U.S. Department of Justice assistant attorney”…READ MORE
Judicial Watch in Court Seeking Clinton Communications Turned over to FBI –“Judicial Watch announced a hearing will be held Tuesday, January 24, 2017, regarding Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records”…READ MORE
Border Patrol Alters Stats to Hide Release of Criminal Aliens, High Recidivism —“The U.S. Border Patrol alters statistics involving the apprehension of criminal illegal immigrants to conceal that thousands are being released, a new federal audit reveals. The frontline Homeland Security agency”…READ MORE
Court Victory: Federal Judge Orders Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Other Top DHS Officials, to Preserve Email Records Sought by Judicial Watch –— “Judicial Watch announced that U.S. District Court Judge Randolph D. Moss has ordered Department of Homeland Security”…READ MORE
Judicial Watch Asks for Further Discovery in Clinton Email Benghazi Lawsuit over Possible State Department ‘Wrongdoing or Bad Faith’ –“Judicial Watch asked a federal court for additional discovery over the Clinton email issue.  In addition to document requests, the new Revised Discovery”…READ MORE
As far back as 2014, Judicial Watch has been reporting on and breaking news that Islamic terrorists have been attempting to infiltrate the US via the Mexican border. Confidential Judicial Watch sources have been warning that ISIS and other terror group were amassing and hiding in Mexico, but the mainstream media has mostly failed to inform the public. Amazingly, The Christian Science Monitor (below) ran a report on this recently. And at Judicial Watch we have the backstory…
Officials at the US Consulate in Ciudad Juarez received a tip about “suspect Arab extremists who have been smuggled through Mexico to the United States/Mexico border.” The tip is contained in a once-secret State Department document released in December 2015 in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. http://bit.ly/2jMe8eo
Judicial Watch Investigation Background
Mexican Cartels Smuggle Terrorists into USA via Rural Texas Border Region
ISIS Camp A Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm
El Paso: Nexus of a Narco-Terror Ring

Early Voting For February 28, 2017 Consolidated Republican Primary Election


Early Voting For February 28, 2017 Consolidated Republican Primary Election

Early voting for Republican primary in Homer Township begins.  Early voting provides an opportunity for voters to skip the line at their polling place on Election Day.  Any registered Homer Township voter can cast a Republican ballot at the Will County Clerk’s office now thru February 27th.  Due to the fact the February 28th Election is a Primary, only the Republican ballot is available.

Homer Township, located at 14350 W. 151st St., Homer Glen, will be the only other early voting site for this Election. Early voting starts at this location on Tuesday, February 14th until Friday, February 24th.

For this and all Election related information visit, www.thewillcountyclerk.com.

CIA director slams Trump for slamming CIA

CIA director slams Trump for slamming CIA


In case you hadn’t noticed, uttering a politically incorrect comment is now a bigger crime than decimating thousands in a war.
You can bomb a country into submission and chaos, leaving dead and wounded from shore to shore, and that might be counted as a “mistake in judgment”; but using a few loaded words—or in this case—criticizing an intelligence agency—is an earthshaking event that could make the planet spin off-course…
Case in point…
The lame-duck outgoing CIA director, John Brennan, lectured Donald Trump Sunday, on FOX.
NBC News reports:

Trump has repeatedly called for a better relationship between the U.S. and Putin’s government. He suggested in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Friday that he’d consider easing the latest sanctions on Russia.”
“I think he has to be mindful that he does not have a full appreciation and understanding of what the implications are of going down that road,” Brennan said.
The CIA chief roundly denounced Trump’s approach to Russia and other national security threats, suggesting the president-elect has much to understand before he can make informed decisions on such matters.
“The world is watching now what Trump says and listening very carefully. If he doesn’t have confidence in the [US] intelligence community, what signal does that send to our partners and allies as well as our adversaries?” Brennan said.

Mr. Brennan, the signal was sent to our partners, allies, and adversaries decades ago:
The CIA is a criminal agency.
Is that clear enough?
Long ago, the CIA criminally stepped outside its mandate, in order to shape world events it had no business participating in. Is that clear enough?
In that regard, do these names and phrases mean anything to you, Mr. Brennan?
(Note to readers: if this list of names and phrases doesn’t ring any CIA bells, a refresher course is in order.)
* The Gehlen Org.
* Operation Gladio.
* Operation CHAOS.
* Nugan Hand Bank.
* BCCI Bank.
* Golden Triangle. Asian heroin.
* Air America.
* Central American cocaine. Mena.
* The Contras.
* Henry Luce. William Paley. Arthur Sulzberger. Operation Mockingbird.
* Overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh (Iran).
* Overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz (Guatemala).
* Murder of Patrice Lumumba (Congo).
* Bay of Pigs.
* JFK.
* Diem assassination.
* Rafael Trujillo assassination.
* Sukarno. Suharto.
* East Timor genocide.
* Military coup—Greece.
* Allende.
* Gulf of Tonkin.
* Operation Phoenix.
* Laos bombing.
* Sihanouk.
* The Khmer Rouge.
* El Salvador death squads.
On and on it goes…
See Mark Zepezauer’s book. The CIA’s Greatest Hits.
Overthrow, assassination, regime change, mind control, covert war, mass destruction, drugs, financial theft, co-opting the press…
Do you recall any of this, Mr. Brennan?

Trump (or any president) is sending a negative signal about the US intelligence community to our friends, allies, and adversaries? Are you kidding, Mr. Brennan? Are you telling some kind of inside joke?
People all over the world have known, for decades, what the CIA has been doing.
And you’re worried about the effect of a little tweak from Trump?
The murderous history of the CIA has been a cat out of the bag for a long, long time.
Professional amnesia may be your friend, Mr. Brennan, but it doesn’t convince the victims and targets of your agency’s actions since 1948.

Workers' comp reform a top priority for Rauner in 2017

Bye, bye, bureaucrat


Bye, bye, bureaucrat!


President-elect Donald Trump appears already to be working toward making good on his promise to cut the size of government. The incoming president has reportedly advised members of his team to begin compiling a plan to make significant department reductions across the federal government.
According to Trump administration insiders, various federal departments could see spending reductions of around 10 percent along with 20 percent reductions in staffing.
Trump has put together what his administration is calling “landing teams” to make recommendations for areas where the heaviest cuts are needed. The teams are, however, focusing the cuts only on areas of discretionary spending, leaving alone mandatory spending for things like Medicare and Social Security.
While Trump’s plans to cut spending from the outset of his administration are uncommon for an incoming president, it’s not believed that they will lead to a reduction in overall government spending.
Instead, the money freed up by the cuts will likely be used toward Trump’s plan to boost military spending, on infrastructure projects and possibly toward the construction of the wall he has promised to construct along the nation’s southern border.
Still, conservatives and small government advocates are cheering the news that the incoming administration is looking to give hordes of bureaucrats pink slips.
That’s because it signals a departure from the Obama administration’s proclivity for allowing federal agencies to act with little oversight, a governing style that led to massive increases in regulatory burdens over the past eight years.
The Trump administration could also make it easier for federal agencies to fire underperforming government workers moving forward.
Over the summer, Trump campaign officials began discussing the need for congressional legislation to make it easier to give government employees the axe.
Congressional Republicans like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) have taken note.
“It’s nearly impossible to fire somebody,” Chaffetz said after Trump’s election. “When the overwhelming majority do a good job and the one bad apple is there viewing pornography, I want people to be held accountable.”

Lockport Township voters have been active in observing the antics of our government

An informed group of Lockport Township voters and myself have been active in observing the antics of our township government for the last two years. At the 2015 Town Hall Meeting the Board presented to the electorate a proposal to build a new six million dollar building. We rejected it by a vote of 150 to 40. Numerous voters address the board that night and told them that they did not want a new expensive building, senior center or an expansion of township government.
Seven months later the Township Board bought a former church building with no public notice that was over three times larger than their existing facility. Legally they could do that without our input because they bought it with cash reserves. Ethically it smack of a lack of transparency. No surprise there with a failing grade of 31% from the Illinois Policy Institute.
Before the 2016 Annual Town Meeting our group work hard to draft a petition to add four items to the agenda, obtained 100 signatures and filed it with the township. The township board rejected our petition in whole and refused to place those items on the annual town meeting agenda. The items that we wanted the electorate to vote on were requiring the board to pay off a $565,000 judgment, conduct a space utilization study for their needs, have the Secretary of State office to digitize the assessor’s records at no charge and halt any work on the new building until the completion of the space utilization study.
We could have challenged their decision in court, but the money for legal fees was not available. We felt that by providing positive and commonsense solutions to the board our group was avoiding a negative perception.
Yes, the new twenty-five thousand square foot building is over three times bigger than their old offices, but along with that comes higher expenses in the form of utility bills and maintenance. Of course, now the board is looking for ways to fill up the building and expand the role of township government. Our small and peaceful protest at the ribbon cutting was our way of telling the board that some voters want a transparent, smaller and limited township government.
My only disappointment was that all the politicians present avoided any contact with us and did not seek any input from us. Elected officials are supposed to represent all of us.
Pete DeLaney

Illinois Senate proposes tax hike in face of record wealth flight

Illinois Policy Institute
The Illinois Senate’s proposed budget plan would raise the personal income tax rate to at least 4.95 percent with no real reforms to address the state’s skyrocketing debt and unsustainable spending. This proposal comes despite Illinois’ loss of $14 billion in annual income and hundreds of thousands of people in the wake of the 2011 income tax hike.
Illinois taxpayers are leaving in droves, and Senate leaders are pushing a budget plan that will drive out still more people from the state.
Illinois’ population is shrinking. The Land of Lincoln lost one Peoria’s worth of people to other states in just the past year. People with higher incomes are leaving for other states, and Chicago is experiencing a millionaire flight that is happening nowhere else in the United States.
And Illinois Senate leaders are proposing to make all of this worse. Their original plan was to raise the personal income tax rate by 32 percent. Now reports note that the rate could go even higher, with as much as a 40 percent income tax hike on the table. With no meaningful spending reforms in the discussion, Illinois’ personal income tax rate could hit an all-time high of 5.25 percent.
If the proposal is structured like the income tax hike legislation introduced earlier in January, the law will be retroactive to the beginning of 2017. Anyone with plans to leave Illinois this spring would effectively pay a border tax of hundreds or thousands of dollars on the way out the door.
Here’s a review of what happened in the years following 2011, the last time Illinois raised its income tax rate without reforming any structural spending drivers.
First, the average income of people leaving Illinois shot up. As of tax year 2014, the most recent year of data, the average income of people leaving the state was $77,000, while the average income of people entering the state was $57,000. This income differential of $20,000 between out-migrants and in-migrants is the worst in the United States.
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In total, Illinois lost record amounts of income-earning power to other states during the years of the income tax increase. More than $14 billion of annual adjusted gross income, or AGI, left the state during the four years of the tax hike, far worse than any other period in Illinois’ past.
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The loss of more than $14 billion of annual AGI is equivalent to permanently losing all the nonmigrant AGI earning power of Kane County, the state’s fifth-largest county by AGI. Put another way, the loss is like losing all the AGI of Kendall, Rock Island, LaSalle, Macon and Kankakee counties, permanently. The $14 billion of annual AGI Illinois lost due to out-migration while the 2011 tax hike was in effect is also equal to all the nonmigrant AGI of Illinois’ 50 smallest counties combined. Of course, it will only get harder for the state to make budgets work if tax dollars keep flowing out the door.
But Illinois hasn’t just lost income since the 2011 tax hike. Illinois has lost record numbers of people, too. In the most recent year of data, from 2015 to 2016, Illinois lost 114,000 people on net to other states, the worst level of out-migration the state has ever experienced. And that happened even after the income tax hike partially sunset to 3.75 percent in 2015. Residents are clearly voting with their feet after seeing the results of decades of failure from their political leaders.
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On top of all this, Illinoisans are struggling under the burden of property taxes that continue to climb in many parts of the state. Add to that the state’s pension debt, which soared during the tax hike years. Just in the past year, Illinois’ pension liability shot up to $130 billion from $111 billion. Tens of billions more in Other Postemployment Benefits, or OPEB, debts sit uncounted and unfunded.
Residents of Illinois’ largest city, Chicago, have seen both property taxes and crime surge simultaneously. Many lower-income Chicagoans are stuck – with rising taxes, diminishing opportunities and few resources with which to leave. Meanwhile, wealthy Chicagoans are in flight. Research from a South African wealth migration firm shows that in 2015, Chicago was the only American city with recorded net millionaire flight – more than every city except Rome and Paris.
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Analysts at Moody’s Investors Service have warned that Illinois might be facing what could be described as a financial death spiral because so many people are leaving the state as Illinois’ debt surges. But instead of cutting spending, the state Senate has proposed raising taxes.
The State of Illinois Economic Forecast for 2017 says that four Illinois metro areas are already in recession, with four more in danger of falling into recession. The report lists Bloomington, Carbondale, Peoria and the Quad Cities as already in recession, with Elgin, Danville, Decatur and Kankakee at risk of sliding out of their economic recoveries.
The Illinois Senate plan is the equivalent of a failing cable company that is raising service rates on a fleeing customer base right before the company goes bankrupt. Instead of providing better services at a lower cost to constituents, the Senate proposal would raise rates on its remaining “customer base,” undoubtedly driving more of them out of the state, and ultimately deepening Illinois’ crisis.
The primary financial problems Illinois faces are massive retirement debt and operating expenses for government workers. The pension and OPEB debts could be addressed if the General Assembly would put an amendment to the Illinois Constitution on the ballot for Illinois voters to consider, as should have happened years ago. And the state’s unsustainable spending on union contracts for government workers could be reined in if the General Assembly changed the laws to reduce the extraordinary power government-worker unions have in the collective bargaining process.
Finally, Illinois desperately needs economic growth. The state should adopt policies to attract more businesses, such as cutting the reams of red tape that strangle businesses and stifle innovation, and minimizing the tax burden.

TAGS: budget, Christine Radogno, income tax, John Cullerton, outmigration, taxes

Elites around the world fear they’re losing control

Elites around the world fear they’re losing control


new world orderGrowing populism throughout the world has the global elite scrambling to find new ways to push their agenda on the masses.
The outcome of the Brexit vote followed by Donald Trump’s election to the White House has world elites trying to understand why, despite their control over mass media and various influential think tanks, voters are turning against their plans for globalization.
The World Economic Forum, which holds an annual meeting for political and business elites each year in Davos, Switzerland, is even planning a special meeting this year in the U.S. to formulate a response to Trump’s victory.
As Bloomberg reported:

The organization will convene a special meeting in Washington this year to discuss issues raised during the president-elect’s campaign and the populist wave that swept him to victory, WEF founder Klaus Schwab told Bloomberg Television on Sunday. The gathering will explore U.S. investment and job-creation opportunities for companies that participate in the forum, he said.
“It’s very natural that with the new administration we plan a major event in the U.S. to see what are the implications of the new president and how the business community could engage,” Schwab said in advance of the forum’s 47th annual meeting in the Swiss ski resort of Davos. “We have to be responsive to the call.”

Schwab blames growing populist discontent with the plans mapped out by the world’s powerbrokers on a “silent fear” that he and his elitist allies claim threaten the progress of developing a “global village” to solve world problems.
One of the major reasons global elites are losing influence is a massive lack of trust in the governments and other institutions they’ve long manipulated.
The Guardian reported Tuesday that government officials in more than 40 nations are currently working to regain control of information as the internet makes it increasingly easier for their populations to distribute their own ideas and objections regarding government policy.
Not surprisingly this is leading to a simultaneous public loss of respect for many traditional media outlets willing to serve as government megaphones. This is something we witnessed firsthand in the U.S. during the 2016 election.

Trump to stand up for all Americans – including the unborn

Editors note: I see no reason to pay for funding anything outside the United States unless it is of a most important issue affecting our people in a bad way. We borrow money and pay interest driving up our national debt only to give people outside out country the dollars we borrow. You would not borrow $10 from your neighbor promising to pay back $11, then give the $10 to your other neighbor. It is even worse when we are funding abortions in foreign countries while our citizens have a hard time making ends meet each month. Trump is a pro-Life President that wants to stand against spending taxpayers money over seas. Abotion is not expressly written in the Constitution so it belongs to each State to make its own law Per the 10th Amendment. 
I am pleased Trump is stopping spending our tax dollars outside the U.S.
Independent Journal 1/23/2017
Activists have condemned as an “assault on women’s health”, a decision by Donald Trump to block US funding for health clinics around the world that provide abortion services.
One of the three executive orders Mr Trump signed on his first Monday morning as president, was to reinstate the so-called Mexico City Policy, a rule originally introduced by Ronald Reagan.
The rule, which was revoked by Barack Obama, forces NGOs to agree to “neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations” as a prerequisite for federal funds. It does not matter if non-US funds are being used for the abortions.

Trump’s 3rd executive order today is assault on women’s health. “Mexico City policy” strips US support from health clinics around the globe

Activists say the rule threatens to undermine the viability of countless groups that provide healthcare, including contraception and abortion services, to millions of women in the developing world. Campaigners had said ahead of Mr Trump’s inauguration, they feared he would reintroduce the policy as a gift to Vice President Mike Pence, known for his staunch opposition to abortion rights.

Donald Trump: 11 things that have happened since he became US President

The rule, first introduced in 1984, was named for the location of the UN conference on population where it was announced.

Groups that support abortion rights have long opposed the policy and urged politicians not to back. Republican and Democratic presidents have taken turns to impose and rescind the rule.

Bill Clinton revoked it in January 1993 upon taking office, and George W Bush reinstated it when he assuaged the presidency eight years later. Barack Obama most recently rescinded it again in 2009.
Mr Clinton and Mr Bush signed their orders on 22 January, the anniversary of the 1973 landmark Roe v Wade decision.
Mr Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, told reporters: “The president has made clear he is a pro-life president. He wants to stand up for all Americans – including the unborn.”

Illinois State Rifle Association Press Release

Press Release – January 20, 2017


LAS VEGAS, Jan. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The following is the text of a statement released today by Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) Executive Director, Richard Pearson:
ISRA: Goodbye Barack… Hello Donald
“About eight years ago, I penned a letter to gun owners nationwide about my experiences lobbying Barack Obama when he was an Illinois State Senator. Among the adjectives, I used to describe Senator Obama were arrogant, rude, self-righteous, indignant and aloof. I warned gun owners that an Obama presidency would cast the darkest of days upon supporters of our Second Amendment. I advised gun owners that the only hope for preserving gun rights would be a sustained pushback against Obama’s attempts to obliterate civilian firearm ownership.
There was never any doubt in my mind that Obama would seek to crush the Second Amendment.  Obama entered office with the very firm intention of satisfying the globalist ideal of knocking America down a couple of pegs. Thus, in no time at all, President Obama attacked two great American icons – General Motors and our superlative health care system. Next on his plate was an assault on the uniquely American sense of rugged individualism. As we all know, self-reliance is predicated upon the existence of the Second Amendment. Plain and simple – without a Second Amendment, individualism is just a fantasy. Yes, early in his tenure, Barack Obama was achieving his objective of making America more like the rest of the world rather than encouraging the rest of the world to be more like us.
When Obama charged headlong into the gun control fray, he was met with stubborn and determined opposition from everyday gun owners. We fought him in Congress. We fought him in the federal courts. We fought him in the court of public opinion. In the end, the good guys won and the promise of a nation-wide version of Chicago-style gun control faded into irrelevance. For that, gun owners owe themselves a hearty pat on the back.
Now enters Donald Trump – President Donald Trump. Trump has made a lot of promises to gun owners and I hope he keeps them. Copious promises notwithstanding, the nation’s gun owners must remain mobilized and prepared to fight the gun control movement whether the battle is at the national, state, or local level. The fight for gun rights is not over and will never be over.
In closing, I’d like to bid Barack Obama “good riddance,” and wish President Trump well in the monumental job he is about to undertake.”
The ISRA is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. For more than a century, the ISRA has represented the interests of millions of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.
SOURCE Illinois State Rifle Association
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