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An open letter to the elected class regarding gun control

AR-15 on American flagIn January 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook school false flag operation, I wrote an open letter to the elected class that was beginning as if on cue to ramp up efforts toward a wholesale ban on private gun ownership. Those efforts, thankfully, eventually faded into the background as common sense and opposition to the notion of removing or restricting guns from law-abiding Americans won out.
Now, in the wake of another false flag shooting, this one in an Orlando sodomite club, and more and louder calls by even the Republican elected class — joined this time by the so-called conservative (but really neocon Republican establishment mouthpiece) Fox News and the usual suspects in the leftist media — for more gun control and a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” I decided to republish the letter. If you’d like to use it as a template for a letter to your elected representative (of the corporate class) congressweasel, just insert the latest manufactured event in the appropriate places.
Yesterday, Senator Christopher S. Murphy (Communist-Conn.), began a filibuster in order to force amendments onto a federal law enforcement funding bill to deny guns to people on a terrorist watch list and expand background checks. Such provisions would have had no effect on Sunday’s Orlando operation, demonstrating once again the effort to ban guns is not one of “keeping people safe,” but one of disarming law-abiding citizens. And here we see who will make it onto the terror watch list.
There are some 300 million firearms owned by Americans today, and approximately 5 million of them are AR-15s. Politicians and their propaganda organs in the corporate media coined the term “assault weapon” to describe these rifles because they are black, are easily modified and can accommodate “large capacity” magazines. But “assault weapon” is just a code word; an invented and nebulous phrase that means nothing more than “scary” to the sheeple.
The AR-15 is just the most popular subset of sporting rifles owned by the public (but it was not used in the Orlando shooting), so it’s safe to say there’s another 1 million to 2 million other types of sporting rifles in circulation.
Yet despite this number of weapons, the chance of you being killed by a gun of any type (if you are not a gang banger or attempting suicide) is 0.0005417721518987342 percent.
When government agents begin their inevitable door-to-door confiscation – which will be the outcome of any attempt to ban them and other rifles – there will be much blood in the streets and the government will be hard pressed to recruit enough “confiscators” because confiscating will be a hazardous profession.
Dear ______________:
I realize it is customary to begin missives to elected representatives with the words Honorable Senator ______________ or Honorable Representative ______________, but I believe that title must be earned. Frankly, you (I am referring to you individually and to Congress as a whole) have not done so and, therefore, do not deserve to be addressed that way. However, the purpose of this letter is not to criticize you, but to inform you about what is happening in the country you were elected to serve.
According to a recent poll, Congress’ favorability ranks below lice, cockroaches, colonoscopies and root canals. Have you for a moment stopped to wonder why? It’s because a vast majority of Americans believe that Congress no longer represents them, but instead represents big corporations and, mostly, themselves and their cronies. The recent “fiscal cliff” deal is a perfect example. It socked a tax increase on 80 percent of American workers while doling out $76 billion in government money (which means my money) through special tax favors to large corporations, such as General Electric, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and DIAGEO, and to Hollywood and green energy companies. According to a recent column in The Washington Examiner, Senator Max Baucus’ (Fascist-Mont.) former staffers who are now lobbyists all got their clients millions of dollars in special benefits from the fiscal cliff deal. In return, Baucus received thousands of dollars in political contributions from those companies’ political action committees. Americans, myself included, believe this is standard operating procedure in Washington, D.C. And there is talk that additional tax increases on the middle class are on the way.
Upon your inauguration, you swore an oath, with your hand on a Bible, to uphold and defend the Constitution. You have repeatedly violated that oath by passing unConstitutional laws like the USA Patriot Act (and subsequent extensions) and the National Defense Authorization Act, which grants the President the authority to indefinitely detain American citizens and suspends habeas corpus. If I’m not mistaken, these unConstitutional laws contain provisions that in some way violate Amendments 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. That’s quite a feat for two laws.
We live in a Nation that goes far beyond anything George Orwell imagined in 1984. Our emails are read, our conversations are listened to, our cars have tracking devices and there are cameras everywhere watching our every move. Law enforcement has devices that can look through our clothes and into our cars and homes, and surveillance drones are patrolling our skies. Travelers are treated as criminals who must be strip searched or patted down before being allowed to fly — and sometimes before being allowed to board trains or buses. Many of us feel this is tyranny.
Now, in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, there is a great hue and cry among the elected class and the mainstream media about guns and gun violence. To hear them tell it, every gun owner in America is a potential mass murderer, especially those who happen to own a sporting rifle. You and I know that is balderdash.
The anti-gun lobby loves to pull out figures and statistics that it claims show that America is the most violent place on the planet, saying that if guns were simply banned, America would be a crime-free utopia. Let me give you some real statistics. Yes, the recent shootings at Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colo., were tragic and senseless. Do you know what their common denominators are? Both occurred in so-called “gun-free zones.” That means the shooters who made conscious choices to disregard our laws were able to freely attack a group of adults who were restricted by their desire to obey our laws from defending themselves and the children in their charge. Both shooters, as is the case with the vast majority of recent mass shooters, were on prescription psychotropic drugs prior to the attacks.
According to FBI crime data from 2011, rifles (of which the misnamed “assault rifle” is a subset) were used in only 323 of 8,583 firearms murders. This is a continuation of a long-established trendin which the rifle is the least-used of all firearm weapons involved in murders. Rifle use as a murder weapon even ranks below knives, blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) and hands and feet.
In other words, rifles of all types kill less than one person per day. And fewer than 100 people are killed each year by rifles with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. According toMotherJones.com, from 1982 through 2012 sporting rifles have been employed in mass shootings 35 times. They were used only three times in 2012. In those three attacks, 52 people died. Since the Sandy Hook shooting on Dec. 14, 40 juveniles (statistically speaking) have died in shootings using a weapon other than a sporting rifle. THAT’S JUST ONE MONTH.
Meanwhile, according to Childhelp, more than five children each day — or more than 1,825 per year — are killed by parental abuse. I realize that thinking about the 20 children gunned down by a drug-addled, mentally unstable man is gut-wrenching. But since the Sandy Hook shooting, about 10 times as many children have died at the hands of their parents, and almost twice as many have been killed in juvenile gang crimes. Why don’t these seem to concern you? Could it be because the media are not interested in talking about it and it won’t get you the “face time” you desire? Why aren’t you addressing the topic of the widespread administration of psychotropic drugs and their common link to mass shootings? Is it because you stand to lose political contributions from the medical-industrial complex?
Gun grabbers love to hold Great Britain up as a model of what happens when guns are banned. Well, let’s compare U.S. and U.K. crime statistics. Britain is the most violent country in the European Union. Since the imposition of the country’s gun ban following the Dunblane school massacre in 1996, recorded violent attacks have soared by 77 percent. The violent crime rate there is 2,034 per 100,000 residents.
Contrast that with the United States, which has a violent crime rate of only 386.3 per 100,000. That’s about one-fifth the rate of violent crime in the U.K. And this has trended down since the ban on “assault weapons” ended in 2004.
In the U.K., the weapon of choice to use in a violent crime is the knife. In 2006, there was one knife crime committed in Britain for every 374 people. In the U.S. in 2006, there was one gun crime for every 750 people. In other words, a person was twice as likely to be avictim of a knife crime in the U.K. as he was a gun crime in the United States.
What about guns? The media frenzy that followed the Dunblane massacre led the British government to pass the Firearms Act of 1998, which instituted a nearly complete ban on handguns. Handgun owners were required to turn their guns over to the government, and those who sought to follow the law did so. But the Act didn’t end mass shootings. Another one occurred in 2010. However, within 10 years after the gun ban was enacted, gun crimes had almost doubled. British police are now arming themselves in response to armed gangs. Meanwhile, British citizens are helpless against attacks by criminals wielding knives, clubs, rocks, ropes, chains, axes and anything else that can be used as a weapon.
It also did not have the effect of ending gun crimes. From April 2010 through March 2011, there were 60 shooting homicides in the U.K., despite an almost complete ban on guns. And the number of annual shootings continues to increase.
What the law has done is make criminals out of law-abiding citizens, as in the case of Paul Clarke, a taxi driver who found a shotgun in his yard and turned it into the police only to be arrested for possessing it, and Iraq War veteran Danny Nightingale, who was given a Glock pistol as a gift by Iraqi forces he had trained. That gun was packed in his bags by colleagues when he left Iraq to bury two friends who were killed in action. When the gun was located, Nightingale was forced to plead guilty to possessing it in order to avoid a five-year sentence.
Since the “assault weapons” ban in the United States ended in 2004, gun crimes in the United States have decreased. Not only that, but according to statistics by the Department of Justice, as the number of guns per 1,000 U.S. citizens has increased, the number of serious violent crimes per 1 million population has dropped.
Now to the mood of the country. Americans have been pushed and pushed until they are near the brink. Much of the blame for their anger falls on a government that is out of touch with middle America and tone deaf to its pleas. Most Americans see Congresses past and present inserting fingers into every aspect of daily life: whether it’s the amount of water that can pass through a toilet or the type of light bulb can be used or how much ethanol has to be in gasoline or how one can use his own property or what type of health insurance he must pay for. Now comes the threat that law-abiding Americans will have to surrender their guns — which Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (Communist-Calif.) proposed bill will require — and be restricted from purchasing a gun simply because it looks frightening, carries a high-capacity magazine and a bunch of pointed-headed, intellectual, overeducated elitists have decided it is not “needed” for hunting. And banning large capacity magazines is attacking a problem that is statistically insigificant.
The 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights — as were all the first 10 Amendments — to restrict what government can do. It was designed to ensure that Americans could deter or, if necessary, overthrow a tyrannical government — you know, the type of government that Representative Jerrold Nadler (Communist-N.Y.) would institute because he believes, as he told a reporter recently, “that the state should have a monopoly on legitimate violence.” When the state has “a monopoly on legitimate violence,” Americans are no longer citizens; they are subjects. Americans will not become subjects.
The 2nd Amendment was not included in the Bill of Rights to ensure Americans could hunt or defend themselves against criminals, so the argument that we “don’t need” guns with “large capacity clips (sic)” — by the way, the proper word is magazines — is a non sequitur. How do I know this? Here are the words of some of our Founding Fathers:

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good — George Washington
[W]hen the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, –who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them… — George Mason, The Virginia Ratifying Convention
Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? It is feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American . . . . [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” — Tench Coxe
Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? —Patrick Henry

Despite what you and those of your ilk seem to believe, it is not the job of Congress or the President to decide what Americans “need” or for what purpose. Americans are quite capable of deciding that for themselves. Nowhere does the Constitution give you the authority to legislate weapons in any way. Nor does the President have this authority, as all laws are to come from the legislative branch, per Article 1, Section 8.
Many, if not most, Americans feel there are already ample gun laws in place. In fact, an argument can be made that many if not all current gun laws violate the Constitution — not that unConstitutional laws seem to bother you people. But I can assure you that, should a bill be passed by Congress and signed by the President that in any way approaches the one being proposed by Feinstein, there will be blood in the streets once Federal agents begin knocking on doors of gun owners to fingerprint and register them. Feinstein’s proposed bill makes many weapons non-transferable, which is the equivalent of weapons confiscation. This will be resisted, as will registration and fingerprinting of gun owners.
And you can tell the President that any executive orders that infringes on the 2nd Amendment will also be ignored and resisted. You see, your passage of laws — or executive orders or whatever you want to call them — that are unConstitutional do not make them any less unConstitutional. Nor does consent to those unConstitutional laws by the Supreme Court give them validity.
Our rights come from our Creator, not government. Therefore, government cannot take them away.
In closing, I want to urge you to consider at great length what you will be starting if, in response to a senseless criminal act, you pass additional burdensome laws on people who have no desire nor inclination to commit criminal acts with the firearms they own — laws that would not reduce gun crime or prevent future Sandy Hook-style massacres but would only add burden and expense to lawful, legitimate gun owners. Gun crimes are committed by criminals. Criminals are criminals because they choose to ignore the laws. Writing additional laws will not serve as a deterrent.
The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by gang bangers and criminals, many of whom are prohibited from possessing a gun under current laws. For the most part, they obtain their guns illegally: either on the black market or by theft. Those committing gun crimes with legitimately purchased weapons are rare outliers.
As proven in Great Britain and Australia, additional gun control laws will neither end nor deter those with criminal intent from committing criminal acts. They will serve only to put the law-abiding public in further danger. That danger will come from two places: the criminal class that will see undefended citizens as easy targets and the Federal agents who will be tasked with enforcing unConstitutional laws.
But those Federal agents tasked to register and/or confiscate weapons will be putting themselves at risk as well, and any violence that results will be on your hands. The threat of arrest or death will cause some to give up their arms peaceably. But as was the case on April 19, 1775 at Lexington and Concord when the British came to confiscate arms and weapons, there will be many patriots who rise up to resist this usurpation. I have spoken to a number of current and former members of the U.S. military who say they will be a part of that resistance group. These are people who have already shown a willingness to die in order to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.
I pray to God that you enter into any gun control negotiations prayerfully and with a full understanding of the mood of the country. You have been warned.
Respectfully submitted,

Math Professor Donates Sperm in Target Bathrooms (Explicit content not suitable for younger readers)

CUNY Math Professor Donates Sperm in Target Bathrooms
CUNY Math Professor Donates Sperm in Target Bathrooms
Written By Laurie Higgins  Illinois Family Institute

*WARNING: Explicit content not suitable for younger readers*
A recent New York Post story  illuminates the tragic consequences of the sexual revolution that separated sex from procreation, sex from marriage, and marriage from children. Children are intentionally and cavalierly separated from their biological parents.
The Post tells the story of peculiar 40-year-old City University New York (CUNY) math professor Ari Nagel who has sired 22 children with 18 women over the past 12 years.
Sometimes he “donates” his sperm the old-fashioned way by having sex with women. Sometimes he “donates” his sperm by masturbating—with the help of porn viewed on his cell phone—into a cup in Target or Starbucks men’s bathrooms and rushing it to an ovulating recipient, who then scampers into the women’s restroom to deposit the donation where the sun don’t shine. Nagel says, “‘It’s better when it’s fresh.’”
With Target’s new co-ed bathroom policy, he will no longer have to make that long trek from the men’s restroom to a waiting recipient. He can masturbate in the women’s restroom with the recipient waiting in the neighboring stall to make her deposit. His donation will be uber-fresh.
Sometimes when Nagel is “donating” the old-fashioned way to a lesbian who has never had sex with a man, her partner will sit in bed with them holding her partner’s hand for moral support. Loss of virginity can be traumatic, so it’s nice to see that human compassion still exists.
Single women and lesbians all over the country have found Nagel via word-of-mouth, Craigslist, and “Known Donor Registry, a free website for those looking for sperm donors.” They solicit his services because of his “’good looks, personality and high sperm count.” Man-boy Nagel toots his own horn, claiming that his sperm count is “off the charts.”
Nagel’s children range in age from 11 months to 12-years-old and live in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Virginia, Illinois, and Israel. According to the Post, “Some he sees once a week, some he sees once a year, some he’s never met.”
Half of Nagel’s paycheck is garnished as a result of five mothers successfully suing him for child-support. But that’s okay with Daddy Nagel: “‘Financially, it’s bankrupted me, but I’m still very happy with the way things turned out….I got 22 million in the bank — in my kids.’”
His kids? Does he mean the ones he sees once a week, or the ones he sees once a year, or the ones he’s never met? How valuable to his kids is he, if his primary investment in them was a porn-induced teaspoon of semen delivered in a Target men’s bathroom.
Glib New York television news anchors, Sukanya Krishnan and Scott Stanford,interviewed a smirking Nagel on his unseemly hobby, mischaracterizing Nagel’s rejection of normal sperm donation channels as evidence of his desire for a more “rewarding experience.” Waxing sycophantic, Krishnan exults, “He knows most of the children and has connections with them, which I think is great!”
Only fools would think that men who know most of their children but raise none are “great” fathers.
In the world of “progressivism” where virtually every desire transmogrifies into a “right” which society is obligated to accommodate, facilitate, and celebrate, the rights of children are little discussed. Women who are not blessed with marriage or choose not to marry are not entitled to children. And those  who choose to be in intrinsically sterile homoerotic unions—that is, unions that are by design non-procreative—should not be procuring children. Children have intrinsic rights, one of which is to be raised whenever possible by a mother and a father, preferably their own biological parents. This right supersedes the desires of single women and lesbians to bear and raise children.

Jo Cox British Lawmaker Killed

BREAKING: British Lawmaker Killed!

An attacker who witnesses said shouted “Britain First” killed a member of British Parliament Thursday near Leeds, police confirmed.
Officers arrested a 52-year-old man in connection with the attack. They did not name him. “Britain First” is a slogan commonly used by activists who support Britain leaving the European Union.
The lawmaker was identified as 41-year-old Jo Cox, a member of the Labor Party representing Batley, and a mother of two.
“Somebody tried to grab [the attacker], wrestling with him and then he wielded a knife, like a hunting knife, just started lunging at her with a knife half a dozen times,” Clarke Rothwell, the owner of a nearby cafe in Birstall, told the BBC.

The decline of America — 1978 to 2016

The decline of America — 1978 to 2016


Decline of America

“When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year…
But now the days are short, I’m in the autumn of my years
And I think of my life as vintage wine
From fine old kegs
From the brim to the dregs…”
— It Was A Very Good Year, composed by Ervin Drake and popularized by Frank Sinatra.

I was 21 in 1978. It was a very good year for me.
It was also a very good year for America. That was the conclusion of The Guardian on June 19, 2013:

In or around 1978, America’s character changed. For almost half a century, the United States had been a relatively egalitarian, secure, middle-class democracy, with structures in place that supported the aspirations of ordinary people. You might call it the period of the Roosevelt Republic. Wars, strikes, racial tensions and youth rebellion all roiled national life, but a basic deal among Americans still held in belief if not always in fact: work hard, follow the rules, educate your children and you will be rewarded, not just with a decent life and the prospect of a better one for your kids, but with recognition from society, a place at the table.

I consider two other alternatives as the high-level years for the United States; 1946 when the United States had more than 50 percent of the world’s GDP and 1966 when the Dow briefly touched 1,000, a mark which would not be broached again for 15 years.
Fareed Zakaria of CNN fame claims that, “The world has shifted from anti-Americanism to post-Americanism.” In other words, except in the Muslim world, the United States is becoming too insignificant to hate. A weak economy, mounting debts, second rate education, indecisive leadership and an expanding chasm between liberals and conservatives on moral and economic issues are a clear indication that America is in a steep decline which can be slowed but not arrested.

Decline of wealth

  • In 1978, the United States was the world’s largest creditor. In 1985 the U.S. had become a debtor nation for the first time since World War I.
  • In 1978, U.S. federal debt totaled less than $800 billion. Today it is $19.2 trillion and growing.
  • In 1978, U.S. consumer debt was slightly more than $300 billion. Estimates suggest that it will reach $1 trillion this year.
  • In 1978, 9 million automobiles were manufactured in the United States. Despite the surge in automobiles around the world the U.S. manufactured 5.7 million cars and trucks in 2015.
  • In 1978, there were 18.8 million manufacturing jobs. Today there are slightly more than 12 million manufacturing jobs. Since January 2000, the U.S. has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs, an indication that the reversal in manufacturing that began in the 90s is drastically worsening.

U.S. manufacturing employment, January 1970-December 2014 (millions of jobs)

U.S. manufacturing employment graph
Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015
In many ways Osama bin Laden won with his attack on 9/11. He and a few hundred terrorists did not just take down the Twin Towers; they permanently altered America’s economic landscape. While the U.S. was already in decline, the repercussions of that attack included spying by the federal government on its own citizens and a security apparatus that belies what America once stood for.

Decline of morality

In 1978 I pretty much had the same morals as my parents and grandparents. Nearly 40 years later the moral compass is broken largely because of the progressive liberals like President Barack Obama, who insists on special privileges for any handful of malcontents who cry that their civil rights have been trampled on.

  • In 1978, illegal Mexicans were rounded up and deported back to Mexico. In 2016 they are coddled in sanctuary cities like San Francisco. Words like racism are tossed at any and all that complain that the law is being broken by these illegals.
  • In 1978, homosexuality was frowned upon. Just five years earlier it was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. As a result it was kept in the closet. Today it is openly celebrated by Obama. Anyone who does not embrace this “freedom” is labelled homophobic.
  • Police, once the bedrock of urban centers, have become hunted by criminals and liberal prosecutors out for political gain.
  • In 1978, the United States was called a melting pot as immigrants were eager to assimilate in a fusion of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities. Obama has encouraged ethnic division within the United States.
  • In 1978 Muhammad Ali beat Leon Spinks in a rematch and became the first man to win the World Heavyweight Championship three separate times. Ali was seen as a man of peace and he transcended boxing. He was for millions the face of Islam. Last Sunday we saw elements of Islam as a lone, armed Muslim killed 50 people and wounded 53 others at a LBGT nightclub.
  • In 1978, America was saddled by the ineptitude of President Jimmy Carter. But a man that would put America back on its feet, Ronald Reagan, was in the early stages of running for the presidency.

Obama is the root of America’s problem

The latest edict from the Obama administration, issued jointly by the departments of Education and Health and Human Services, recommends that states instruct young students in-home languages differently than English and encourages them to retain separate cultural attachments.
The policy statement calls for a range of practices, from creating curricula and educational systems that “support children’s home language development,” to urging states to hire more teachers who “speak the language and/or share the cultural background of children who are DLLs [dual language learners] in the community.”
I find it startling that Obama has a current approval rating of 51 percent. The nation is still suffering from his economic policies. In fact, no other post-modern president has failed to deliver at least 3 percent economic growth in any one year.
It is an amazing outcome when you consider that the Federal Reserve has held interest rates at record lows and purchased enormous amounts of debt. The Fed now holds more than five times the amount of securities it held prior to Obama taking office.
The Fed’s balance sheet expanded from $850 billion in 2008 to more than $4.4 trillion today. The questionable value of these securities, as well as the Fed’s various lending programs, has led many to question the financial wherewithal of the Fed.
I am not 100 percent sold on Donald Trump, but like millions of people, I hope he has the vision and strength to help give Americans the national unity and wealth we once enjoyed. I am, however, 100 percent convinced that the presumed nominee for the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton is more corrupt than former President Richard Nixon but lacks his strengths in diplomacy. Clinton will be a continuation of the ruinous policies, foreign and domestic, of Barack Obama.
In 1978, Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas, and by his side was his politically ambitious wife Hillary. It was one of the few exceptions to what was otherwise a very good year.
Yours in good times and bad,
— John Myers

“Islamic Refugee” With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County

“Islamic Refugee” With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County

JUNE 15, 2016 Judicial Watch

Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch. Authorities describe the woman as an “Islamic refugee” pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico. County authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been deployed to the area to investigate, sources with firsthand knowledge of the probe confirm.
The gas pipeline plans in the woman’s possession include the Deming region, law enforcement sources say. Deming is a Luna County city situated about 35 miles north of the Mexican border and 60 miles west of Las Cruces. It has a population of about 15,000. Last year one local publication listed Deming No. 1 on a list of the“ten worst places” to live in New Mexico due to high unemployment, poverty, crime and a horrible public education system. The entire region is a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), according to the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center due to the large amounts of methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine and marijuana smuggled through the state by Mexican traffickers. Specifically, the renowned Juárez and Sinaloa cartels operate in the area, the feds affirm in a report.
Judicial Watch has broken a number of stories in the last few years about Mexican drug traffickers smuggling Islamic terrorists into the United States through the porous southern border. Last summer high-level sources on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. border offered alarming details about an operation in which cartels smuggle foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small Texas rural town near El Paso. Classified as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) by the U.S. government, the foreigners get transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road – Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across Highway 20.
A few months ago Judicial Watch reported that members of a cell of Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks with the help of Mexican drug traffickers. Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year, according to Judicial Watch’s high-level Homeland Security sources. Now Khabir trains thousands of men—mostly Syrians and Yemenis—to fight in an ISIS base situated in the Mexico-U.S. border region near Ciudad Juárez. Khabir actually brags in a European newspaper article about how easy it is to stake out American targets because the border region is wide open. In the same story Foreign Affairs Secretary Claudia Ruiz, Mexico’s top diplomat, says she doesn’t understand why the Obama administration and the U.S. media are “culpably neglecting this phenomenon,” adding that “this new wave of fundamentalism could have nasty surprises in store for the United States.”
This recent New Mexico incident brings to mind a story Judicial Watch broke less than a year ago involving five young Middle Eastern men apprehended by Border Patrol in an Arizona town (Amado) situated about 30 miles from the Mexican border. Two of the Middle Eastern men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, alarming Border Patrol officials enough to call the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for backup. A multitude of federal agents descended on the property and the two men carrying the cylinders were believed to be taken into custody by the FBI. Only three of the men’s names were entered in the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system, which is used by the agency to track apprehensions, detention hearings and removals of illegal immigrants. E3 also collects and transmits biographic and biometric data including fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border. The other two men were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is unheard of. “In all my years I’ve never seen that before,” a veteran federal law enforcement agent told Judicial Watch.

Are gun-free zones an invitation to trouble?

No Guns signWhen you enter a “Gun Free Zone,” do you feel safer or more at risk? I believe the tragic mass-shooting cases over the past couple of decades prove the latter is the more likely scenario.
We know the reality is that terrorists and psychos can’t all be stopped. However, in the cases where a competent armed officer or citizen has been able to respond quickly, lives have been saved.
Unfortunately, many of us work in a “politically correct” environment that does not allow firearms on the property. There have been cases of justifiable self-defense shootings in which employees fought back against their attackers, yet their employers and their insurers wound up paying off the bad guys or their families. Let’s face it — you can’t always trust a jury to do the right thing.
With terrorism on the rise, some businesses are wising up and trying to quietly become proactive. To motivate your employer, you and other staff can band together and demand a safer work environment. But you must put forth a well-written request stating the concerns of your group, including reasonable and rational solutions.

A few proactive programs that have been implemented include:

Arming select, competent, in-house employees

Employers have a couple of options for how they can reasonably make a workplace safer by arming key personnel. One is to hire top-notch people exclusively for protective duties as their only responsibility. Retired peace officers and military members are excellent choices, and they make quality employees.
Another is to select in-house staff to go about their regular workday while discretely under arms. Employers have to pay for liability insurance upgrades to cover the possible use of force, and they will have to provide for the expense of ongoing training for those staffers. These same employees should be trained in non-lethal self-defense and physical take down techniques.

Contract professionals

A different option for an employer is to call in professional, “top drawer” armed security contractors. This is sometimes less expensive than arming in-house employees, and it puts a clear liability buffer between the employer and any eventual lawsuits.

Re-sign the premises

Re-signing the premises may fly in the face of political correctness and it is not a solid cure, but it is inexpensive and does have a measurable impact on detouring potential outside threats.
If there is a “Gun Free Zone” sign posted at a workplace and there is a large volume of pedestrian traffic, signs on the property can be changed. This encourages legal concealed-carry permit (CCP) citizens to patronize the facility. This may not thwart hardcore crazies who don’t care if they die, but it will make thieves think twice.
Another positive side effect of re-signing the business is that most legal gun owners will take notice. The honest gun-owner community actually prefers shopping and spending their money with companies that respect their personal right to bear arms.
— Frank Bates

There is a line over which IL. Democrats will not drag us/ Matt Bressler, Dan Proft, Jeanne Ives, Kristen McQueary

“Now is not the time to play political games. Now is the time for us to summon the courage to let Mike Madigan and House Democrats know that there is a line over which they will not drag us.”

For 502 days, the politicians in Springfield have put their interests ahead of the needs of our families and businesses. Last week, they left Springfield without passing a balanced budget. For this, the Illinois General Assembly will be criticized as being a “Do-Nothing” legislature, but it’s not the real story.

Balich: Will County Board members should be allowed to carry guns

Balich: Will County Board members should be allowed to carry guns

Election 2015 Photo September 10
A week before the Orlando massacre, Will County Board member Steve Balich, R-Homer Township, crafted a proposed resolution that would allow him and his fellow licensed board members to carry concealed weapons into county buildings, where they are currently prohibited from doing so.
From an economic standpoint, it would save the county money, he said, and from a safety perspective, it might deter incidents like what happened in Orlando from happening in Will County, he said.
Balich brought up his proposed resolution at the end of Tuesday’s legislative committee meeting, and he hopes it will be discussed at next month’s committee meeting. His resolution said that it would be “unfair to the taxpayer to pay for sufficient armed security officers at meetings” when a number of board members are licensed to carry guns.
Those elected officials who are properly licensed should be allowed to carry concealed firearms into county and forest preserve properties, the proposed resolution said.

“People trusted me enough to vote for me,” Balich said.
While a potential shooter could easily spot a uniformed officer, he would not know which board members were packing a gun, he said.
Offenders usually seek out places like the Orlando nightclub, where “no one has a weapon to fire back,” Balich said.
His idea goes back several months, when county officials first discussed how to enhance security measures, he said.
Balich also cited state laws that allow a mayor, aldermen, trustees and police to act as “conservators of the peace,” with powers to arrest people who violate municipal ordinances after completing a law enforcement training course. However, they do not specifically mention allowing those officials to carry weapons.
Assistant State’s Attorney Mary Tatroe said that, as of now, the state prohibits firearms in county buildings, but said she would research the proposal.
Balich’s suggestion did not sit well with all committee members.
Democratic leader Herbert Brooks Jr., D-Joliet, said, “This was not the time nor the place” to discuss such a proposal.
“We need a time of mourning,” he said. “We need a time of healing.
“These 49 victims have not even been buried yet,” he said, referring to the shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Sunday morning. “After what just happened (in Orlando), I did not want to hear about guns. I was not prepared for that. We can talk about politics later on.”
Brooks added that he did not believe county board members should be allowed to carry guns into county buildings.

Will County seeks alternatives to jail

Will County seeks alternatives to jail

To reduce jail time for offenders who suffer with mental illness or are non-violent, Will County officials are exploring a number of options.
In an effort to reduce the number of incarcerated people with mental illnesses, Will County plans to participate in a “Stepping Up” initiative with the National Association of Counties (NACO), part of a national program to address this issue.
The county board’s judicial committee passed a resolution at its Tuesday meeting, which noted that adults with mental illness tend to stay longer in jail, have a higher risk of recidivism, and 75 percent also have substance abuse disorders.
The county has had some success by referring people to its drug and mental health court programs, which tries to keep them out of jail by voluntarily participating in treatment programs.

The Stepping Up initiative will allow the county to share information and resources with other counties, it was noted.
Through this program, the county will be able to:
•Draw on leaders from multiple agencies who are committed to safely reducing the number of people with mental illness in jails.
•Assess individual needs to better identify adults as they enter jail.
•Determine what services and programs are available and identify policy and funding barriers.
•Develop a plan with measurable outcomes.
•Implement research-based approaches.

•Create a process to track and report on progress.
To help reduce the number of non-violent offenders in the jail, judicial committee chairman Darren Bennefield, R-Aurora, said he plans to invite firms that supply monitoring bracelets to non-violent offenders to the July meeting, and talk to officials at other jails that have implemented this technology.
Officials said they need to know the cost of a monitoring program, establish criteria for who would qualify, and determine how many current inmates would be eligible.
Warden Brad Josephson said it now costs $97 per day to house an inmate. He told the committee that offenders pay for bracelets and the company provides monitoring.
The county sheriff would receive an alarm alert if there was a problem, and would send a deputy to investigate.
“There are numerous false alarms,” he said.
Board member Steve Balich, R-Homer Township, said keeping people in jail comes at a cost to society, if they lose their jobs, require public assistance, or turn to crime.
Board members said the monitoring program should result in a significant savings to the county, and not require additional personnel.
In a related matter, it was announced that the county will receive an allocation of $335,500 from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC), to enhance the services of its specialty courts, for drug offenders, veterans and those offenders with mental illnesses.

Rep. Batinick talks "Springfield"

Mark Batinick
Anyone tuned into Illinois politics knows that the General Assembly adjourned its regular Session May 31 without passing a budget. Illinois has been without a budget since July 1st of last year. That means we are about to enter our second fiscal year without a comprehensive fiscal plan. At this time there is a constant push for “stop-gap” budgets, in which six-month budgets are drawn to allow us to keep kicking the can down the road, and pay those in need in time. This is not what Illinois needs. This State needs a full budget along with long-term solutions to the problems that ail it.
For the better part of the last eight years the State of Illinois has been careening from crisis to crisis. We had a tax increase that expired with no plan on how to shrink the size and cost of government. We had pension reform that was ruled unconstitutional by Illinois’ Supreme Court. We have failed to address the business climate that is seeing jobs leave the state. We have passed dishonest budgets, and we’ve always kicked the can down the road and made terrific groups and individuals wait for their due funding.
Our job in Springfield is to be good stewards of the State of Illinois. We have some of the greatest natural and man-made resources in the country, and the only thing holding us back is a handful of people unable to put policy ahead of political games. The worst part of the budget crisis is the uncertainty it creates for so many individuals. Planning becomes difficult, costs increase. This is true for individuals, businesses, and non-profits. Everyone operating in and/or with the state is affected by the uncertainty. When social service providers are unsure about funding, they are unsure about making all financial decisions. Should they extend a lease? Hire a new qualified person? Lay someone off? Etc. Also, the vendors that work for the state are up-charging us because they must wait so long to be paid, which means that we are paying MORE for LESS services. Providing certainty would allow us to do the opposite. And when we must push for emergency stop-gap budgets, they only guarantee more uncertainty for at least the next six months.
The budget impasse has been going on for a year and a half. It’s time for a balanced budget. It’s time to address our unfavorable job climate. It’s time for students to have faith in our Higher Education system again. It’s time for social services to have certainty in their funding. It’s time for the state to address its inefficient ways of providing government service. A six month budget is not the final solution. The people of Illinois shouldn’t have to wait another day for a full-year budget solution.
Knowing this, since the budget impasse began I have stated that Members of the Illinois General Assembly should go without pay until the budget impasse is ended. I want more comprehensive solutions for Illinois, and less notorious political games. Feel free to head over to www.nobudgetnopayil.com to sign my petition which makes it clear that legislators shouldn’t be paid until they pass a balanced budget.
Please mark your calendar for my three upcoming Fairs! These Fairs help me stay in tune with District 97, and add to my office’s service to its constituents.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17 9AM to 12:00PM – SENIOR FAIR at St. Mary’s Immaculate Parish. The Senior Fair will involve many state, county, local and health organizations to help constituents with any concerns. Free refreshments, and a Shred Truck to dispose of unwanted paper, will be on hand.
SATURDAY, JUNE 18  9AM to 12:30PM – KIDS FAIR at Plainfield Central High School. The Kids Fair will involve a Reptile Show, a Touch-a-Truck Exhibit with over 25 exciting vehicles for the kids to see, touch and sit in, and a LIFESTAR helicopter will be at the Fair from 9:30am-11:30am. Over 40 area vendors will be on hand. Demonstrations will include dances by DanceQuest of Plainfield (9:30am), and the YMCA Dance Ensemble (10:00am), the Reptile Show (10:30am), Martial Arts of America (Noon), and a drawing for give aways (12:30pm).
SATURDAY, JUNE 25 9AM to 12:30PM – JOBS FAIR. I will be having a Jobs Fair at Minooka Central High School from 9:30am-12:30pm. Many local employers will attend, and there will be workshops on resumes, interviewing, and mastering your job search.
Hope to see you this Summer!
Mark Batinick
Mark Batinick