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Ferguson Gang Leader Admits “Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots”


Ferguson Gang Leader Admits “Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots”

Eric Holder, USDOJ, Public Domain

Eric Holder, USDOJ, Public Domain

Eric Holder’s career has survived a long list of scandals; The 2008 Black Panther debacle, overturning Arizona’s immigration laws and ‘Fast and Furious‘ immediately spring to mind. These, however, pale in comparison to the recent allegations against Holder, the likes of which could easily land the Attorney General behind bars.
Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.

A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.
Allegedly, Holder’s goal behind pouring the proverbial gasoline on an already volatile scene is to test militarized police response in a martial law scenario. It is also suspected that the riots have been started as the latest in distractions from the diabolical duo of Obama and Holder. This isn’t the first time they have created a media bait-and-switch to cover up any of their numerous crimes and blunders.
Officials have yet to publicly identify the damaging evidence submitted by the gang member, and are still in the process of verifying the legitimacy of said items.  Judge Rineheart of the 22nd Circuit Court in St. Louis is presiding over the case, and has reviewed the materials. During a phone interview with National Report Judge Rineheart stated  “The evidence I have seen is incredibly convincing.”
Holder is not yet officially charged with a crime, but it’s expected that a warrant could be issued for him within the coming days. Obama’s spokespeople have declined to comment.

– See more at: http://nationalreport.net/ferguson-gang-leader-admits-eric-holder-paid-us-start-riots/#sthash.PHVfF7FX.dpuf

Ranch Owner Reveals The Last Words Justice Scalia Said To Him The Night Before He Died


Ranch Owner Reveals The Last Words Justice Scalia Said To Him The Night Before He Died

Kevin Whitson February 15, 2016 Western Journalism

Antonin Scalia’s last night among the living was spent among friends, according to Cibolo Creek Ranch owner John Poindexter.
Describing the night before Scalia passed, Poindexter told reporters, “He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 P.M. he said, ‘it’s been a long day and a long week, I want to get some sleep.’”
At 8:30 A.M. on Saturday, Poindexter attempted to wake the sleeping Supreme Court justice, but the judge didn’t come to the door. Three hours later, he returned with a friend of Scalia’s and entered the room. Poindexter described the scene upon entering the room: “We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled.”
“He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap,” he added.
After checking for a pulse, and after speaking by phone with a physician, Poindexter said the decision was made not to attempt cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Scalia arrived on Friday and was only expected to stay until Sunday, with little opportunity to enjoy the 66,000 acres the Cibolo Creek Ranch had to offer. The ranch, which was established in 1857, played host to a great number of celebrities like Mick Jagger, Julia Roberts and Tommy Lee Jones.
“This was strictly a group of friends that the judge decided to join … It was an honor to have him. He was widely admired. There were no speeches. He wasn’t asked any hard questions, it was all about the outdoors and Texas, and what it’s like to being a Supreme Court Justice,” Poindexter stated.
“All of us here saw him as a stalwart defender of our way of life in Texas, in a real sense,” he said. “It’s a great loss. Having made that statement, if it was his time to go, he was surrounded by friends, in fairly nice setting, with a full tummy, too. He said he was very happy to be invited so it could have been in worse circumstances,” Poindexter concluded.


Response to Gov. Bruce Rauner's Budget Address, delivered today:

Illinois Opportunity Project Chief of Staff Mark Cavers released the following statementin response to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Budget Address, delivered today:
“After seven months without a budget, there has been a frenzy of positioning by pundits and politicians against Governor Rauner. The fact is, Governor Rauner was elected on the promise of a “Turnaround,” because the old ways of doing business had left many behind. State budgets of the past had moved Illinois to last in the nation in nearly every economic indicator: public safety, education, job creation, population growth, infrastructure maintenance and bond rating.

In his Budget Address today, the governor re-stated his willingness to work across the aisle while he also demonstrated the courage to challenge powerful politicians and special interests – a bold and necessary step toward fixing problems long ignored. There is no joy in making difficult decisions and having tough conversations. But what choice is left? It is long past time to end lip-service and false promises and to begin solving our problems by enacting the economic and political reforms the governor referenced today.
Many of the governor’s political opponents – those who defend the state’s failed status quo – began messaging against the proposed reforms as soon as he left the chamber today. They expressed outrage over the lack of a state budget and claimed that their ideas could spare Illinoisans pain and sacrifice. We know this is simply not true.
The budget they demand he sign is, in fact, billions of dollars out of balance, and requires massive tax hikes on hardworking families and businesses. They propose this budget and corresponding tax increase knowing that the 2011 tax hike they passed – the largest in Illinois’ history – left us with a downgraded credit rating, an increased unfunded pension liability, and an additional $127 million in debt.
Though it may be difficult to see today, the change the governor promised when he was elected has begun. Illinoisans had the courage then to begin the turnaround of our great state. We must now have the fortitude to see it through; and have the vision to craft a sound and sustainable budget, as well as to build a better state – one that can grow once again.”

Adopting meaningful reforms for Criminal justice

Shortly after Gov. Bruce Rauner assumed office, he announced a major goal for Illinois’ oversized criminal-justice system: Reduce the state’s prison population by 25 percent by 2025.
On Feb. 24, leading experts from the Illinois Policy Institute and the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, along with representatives from the Illinois State Commission on Criminal Justice and Sentencing Reform, will host a panel to discuss new research and solutions to help realize this goal.
In 2016, Illinois Policy will focus on re-entry reforms, which will enable more ex-offenders who have served their time to find meaningful work to support themselves and their families – instead of continuing to cycle in and out of the system.
Each year, more than 30,000 people are released from Illinois prisons and face the challenge of re-entering society. But nearly 45 percent of those leaving prison will return within three years. The biggest obstacle to getting their lives back on track – and staying out of prison – is finding good jobs. Research from the Safer Foundation shows that Illinois ex-offenders who are employed a year after release can have a recidivism rate as low as 16 percent. Instead of a clear path to becoming independent, however, many ex-offenders find themselves practically unemployable because of state policies that make obtaining work exceedingly difficult.
Success is possible, but only with employment. Adopting meaningful reforms such as criminal-record-sealing expansion and removing unnecessary occupational-licensing restrictions will save Illinois money in recidivism-related costs while enhancing public safety. Please join the Illinois Policy Institute and the ACLU of Illinois at this important event.
Rodger Heaton
– Chairman of the Illinois State Commission on Criminal Justice and Sentencing Reform, Director of Public Safety, and Homeland Security Advisor to the governor.
Bryant Jackson-Green – Criminal Justice Policy Analyst with the Illinois Policy Institute.
Ben Ruddell – Criminal Justice Policy Attorney with the ACLU of Illinois
Moderated by Khadine Bennett – Staff Attorney and Legislative Counsel with the ACLU of Illinois
Lisa Creason — mom, activist and ex-offender
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 24
Time: 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. *A light breakfast will be served
Location: Jenner & Block LLP, 353 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654

Shopping while White

by | Feb 15, 2016  The Black Sphere

Political Corectness

There is a saying by black Liberals that blacks can’t be racist. The idea is centered around the notion that if you are powerless, you can only respond to your oppressors, which is not racism, but defense.

Perhaps that’s true, if indeed black people were powerless. To believe this idiocy, one would have to believe oneself to be a victim.

Of course, victimhood is what Liberals preaches, teaches, and enforces, so there is no wonder America is full of idiots who believe this nonsense.

The fact is that today, white people are far more oppressed than blacks, and it is generally at the hands of blacks. Most have been trained to ignore the stories, and the media and Leftist white enablers are all too willing to do the same or look the other way, when they see the oppression of non-blacks by blacks.

Check out how this black welfare queen treats a man simply shopping while white. Starts heating up about 3 min. in

The following video is not from the article and has very bad language. I rarely put up a video like this but it seemed to follow the article, so excuse the offensive language.

Idiots like this act out in ways that are unbelievably destructive, and are the REAL reason America suffers as these moron continue to blame their problems on whites, while ignoring their own behavior, as well as the REAL racists: the Democrats.

I get lots of hate messages from blacks who can’t stand it when I expose this type of behavior, but truth is truth. But you can bet there are far too many blacks who will watch this video and cheer this woman on, as the white man only wanted to get some groceries.

Imagine if the scenario had escalated, where she attacked him?

It should be noted that the guy filming was black, and he was smart enough to recognize that the black woman was noticeably “set off” by the presence of that white man. Yes America, black Liberals are the worst racist in this country, and it’s time America recognize it, and stop making excuses for it.

Super Majority Plus of State Legislators "DO NOT" Vote to Support IL Manufacturing

Rauschenberger: Only 20% of State Legislators Vote to Support IL Manufacturing

On this edition of Against The Current (ATC), Dan Proft sits down with former State Senator and current President and CEO of the Technology and Manufacturing Association (TMAIllinois.org) Steve Rauschenberger.
With Governor Rauner set to give his 2016 State Budget Address, Rauschenberger, an Elgin Republican, widely recognized as the preeminent state budget expert during his 15 years in the General Assembly, discusses the future for small to midsize manufacturers in Illinois if they’re going to have one, the seismic changes to state government required to balance the books, and how the future of the Illinois Republican Party is woven into both.
Rauschenberger offers a tour de force on 21st century jobs, state government and IL politics in this most informative installment of ATC.

Left Behind


Left Behind

By Patrick Hughes


In recent weeks, the fiscal problems that stalk the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) system have shifted into high gear. The teachers’ union rejected a contract offer from the administration, the district announced $100 million in cuts, and Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner pledged to move ahead with a state take-over of the district. Bankruptcy seems to be the only option for the district, as the state’s abysmal fiscal condition makes a CPS bailout impossible.
Meanwhile, Mayor Rahm Emanuel convinced financiers to back a high-interest $725 million bond sale to keep this failed system clunking along for a few more months. The desperate measure of a failed bureaucrat who lacks the courage, vision and leadership to try a different path. And while Rahm flails away, the futures of nearly 400,000 school children hang in the balance.
School Choice Picture
In November 2014, in advance of the Inauguration of the 99th General Assembly, I wrote a commentary for The Illinois Opportunity Project calling on newly elected – or re-elected – state legislators to consider funding education based on equity, efficiency and excellence.
“There can be no legitimate dispute that the failure to reform our education system is hurting students. An evaluation by the National Assessment of Educational Progress reports that nearly two-thirds of Illinois 4th graders in the state’s public schools do not perform at grade level in math or reading
…There is an opportunity here. However, without a state-approved universal voucher system, the only way low-income families can access better schools is through the help of nonprofits and scholarships. But, the need far outweighs the available resources.
Illinois must re-think the antiquated, oppressive and incorrect notion – fiercely advocated by teacher unions – that government is the best entity to make decisions about education. This idea has led to a system in which a child’s education – and therefore, opportunity in life – is tied to his parents’ income and zip code…
Now is the time to issue the challenge to legislators once more: take up school choice before one more academic year goes by. School choice is the chance to rescue students from failing schools and to make good schools better. It is the chance to make good on campaign promises to provide a quality education for every child and reduce state spending.
School choice is an unequivocal opportunity for legislators to become heroes to the children and families of Illinois. The 2016 campaign mailers will write themselves. ”
Yet, union controlled Democrat state legislators didn’t dare stand with us on this issue. Instead, they continue to oppose vouchers and charter schools on the specious grounds that such programs will hurt education by taking funding away from traditional public school systems. But this is just an excuse to protect their own livelihoods and the livelihoods of teachers’ union members who moonlight as their political foot soldiers.
According to research from the Friedman Foundation, school choice policies actually free up state education dollars, allowing traditional public school districts to spend more per pupil. In Arizona, which has the sixth largest Hispanic public school enrollment in the country, traditional public schools successfully coexist with charters. Public school district officials there say charters haven’t hurt their enrollment and have encouraged them to innovate, which leads to a better education for all students.
We can’t allow Democrat state legislators to force families into a failing system that leaves children behind, especially when better alternatives exist. We can’t allow Democrat state legislators to force suburban and downstate taxpayers – all of whom are required in part to fund CPS – to bail out the failed CPS system again. And we can’t allow Democrat state legislators – who ignored our call to action the first time – to cling to their waning power and crumbling institutions at the expense of the school children and tax payers of Chicago and beyond.
We can’t. And we won’t. The 2016 campaign mailers have begun to write themselves.

Texas Judge Who Decided No Autopsy Was Needed in Scalia Death

Texas Judge Who Decided No Autopsy Was Needed in Scalia Death Discloses New Details
Feb. 15, 2016 9:30pm Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Texas county judge who decided no autopsy was needed following the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has disclosed new details about Scalia’s health in the days before he died.
Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara told The Associated Press on Monday she spoke with Scalia’s doctor on the day he was found dead in his room at a remote Texas ranch. She said the doctor told her that Scalia had a history of heart trouble, high blood pressure and was considered too weak to undergo surgery for a recent shoulder injury.
Those details are seemingly at odds with recollections of friends who described Scalia as his usual, happy self during the days leading up to his death. News that the 79-year-old justice was in declining health may come as a surprise to the public, but unlike presidents, the high court’s members don’t provide regular health disclosures.
Guevara told the AP that she consulted with Scalia’s personal physician and local and federal investigators, who said there were no signs of foul play, before concluding that he had died of natural causes. She said she spoke with a “Dr. Monahan” at some point after 8 p.m. on Saturday to discuss Scalia’s health history.
Rear Adm. Brian P. Monahan is the attending physician for members of Congress and the Supreme Court. A Supreme Court spokeswoman could not immediately confirm that Monahan had examined Scalia, and Monahan did not return a phone message left for him at his Capitol office Monday.
Scalia’s death was a shock to those at the Cibolo Creek Ranch where he died, as well as to the rest of the nation. The owner of the ranch near Marfa, about 190 miles southeast of El Paso, said Scalia seemed normal at dinner the night before he was found “in complete repose” in his room.
John Poindexter told reporters Scalia had arrived Friday and was part of a group of about 35 weekend guests. Scalia retired around 9 p.m., saying he wanted a long night’s sleep, according to Poindexter.
Chris Lujan, a manager for Sunset Funeral Homes in El Paso, Texas, said Scalia’s body was taken from the facility late Sunday afternoon and was to be flown to Virginia
An El Paso International Airport official, Terry Sharpe, the airport’s assistant director for operations, said a private plane carrying Scalia’s body left the West Texas airport about 8 p.m. Eastern time Sunday.
Guevara said Monahan told her Scalia had gone to the doctor’s office on both Wednesday and Thursday before traveling to Texas, and had an MRI on his shoulder. She said Monahan told her surgery was needed, but that Scalia wasn’t strong enough to endure surgery so rehabilitation was recommended instead.
Justice Antonin Scalia
Scalia apparently had mentioned to some people at the ranch he was not feeling well, according to Guevara. She said that information came from her conversations with Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez and a U.S. marshal she identified as Ken Roberts, both of whom had seen Scalia’s body and determined there was no foul play.
State law allows an inquest to be performed by phone. Guevara said she followed the procedure because both justices of the peace serving the region were out of town and she was also about 65 miles away from the resort.
Guevara certified Scalia’s death by telephone about 1:52 p.m. Saturday. She had previously conducted two other death inquests by phone.
Bryan Garner, one of Scalia’s close friends and the co-author of two books with the justice, said in an interview that Scalia seemed happy and jovial during recent trips to Hong Kong and Singapore in late January and early February. Garner said Scalia never mentioned anything about heart problems or other ailments during the trip.
“He did seem strong as ever,” Garner said. “He was a very strong man physically.”
During the trip, Scalia and Garner spent long days traveling, speaking to university audiences about their most recent book on interpreting the law, and meeting with public officials.
Garner said his most recent conversation with Scalia was on Wednesday morning, when the justice told him, “‘The world of tennis has lost a great competitor.’” Scalia, long an avid tennis player, said he had torn his rotator cuff for a second time and that his playing days likely were over, Garner said.
But Garner said Scalia never mentioned any other ailments other than that he was dealing with a “head cold.”
In the nation’s capital, where flags flew at half-staff at the White House and Supreme Court, the political sniping soared over replacing Scalia on the bench, raising the prospect of a court short-handed for some time.
President Barack Obama has pledged a nomination “in due time.” But the Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, thinks it should wait for the next president. McConnell and other Republicans argued that, as a lame duck, Obama should not fill the vacancy created by Scalia’s death during an election year.


image: http://mobile.wnd.com/files/2016/02/Scalia-2.jpg
Scalia-2Since Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in his resort hotel room at Cibolo Creek Creek Ranch on Saturday, questions have been flying about the immediate declaration of “natural causes” as the means of death.
According to the ranch owner, Scalia was described as “animated and engaged” during dinner Friday night. He was one of three dozen invitees to an event unrelated to law or politics.
Yet just hours later, after missing both breakfast and lunch, he was found dead of apparent natural causes. Later, media outlets reported he had suffered a heart attack.
RELATED: Urgent calls begin for Scalia autopsy
Democrats fundraise off Scalia’s death
Houston businessman John Poindexter, who owns the 30,000-acre luxury ranch, told the San Antonio Express-News: “He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, ‘It’s been a long day and a long week, I want to get some sleep.’”
Poindexter knocked on Scalia’s door about 8:30 the next morning. The door was locked and the judge did not answer. Three hours later, Poindexter returned from an outing and determined Scalia was still missing.

“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” said Poindexter.
“He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap,” he said.
“His hands were sort of almost folded on top of the sheets,” Poindexter told the New York Times. “The sheets weren’t rumpled up at all.”
Scalia did not have a pulse and his body was cold, and after consulting with a doctor at a hospital in Alpine, Poindexter concluded resuscitation would have been futile. He then contacted federal authorities, at first encountering a series of answering services because he was calling on a weekend.
“Ultimately they became available and handled it superbly,” he told the Express-News. “They flew in by helicopter. They told me to secure the ranch, which I did until this morning.”
The Washington Post reported that after Scalia’s body was found:

It then took hours for authorities in remote West Texas to find a justice of the peace, officials said Sunday. When they did, she pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body and decided not to order an autopsy. A second justice of the peace, who was called but couldn’t get to Scalia’s body in time, said she would have ordered an autopsy.As late as Sunday afternoon, there were conflicting reports about whether an autopsy would be performed, though officials later said Scalia’s body was being embalmed and there would be no autopsy. One report, by WFAA-TV in Dallas, said the death certificate would show the cause of the death was a heart attack.
As late as Sunday afternoon, for example, there were conflicting reports about whether an autopsy should have been performed. A manager at the El Paso funeral home where Scalia’s body was taken said his family made it clear that they did not want one.
Meanwhile, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara acknowledged that she pronounced Scalia dead by phone, without seeing his body. Instead, she spoke to law enforcement officials at the scene – who assured her “there were no signs of foul play” – and Scalia’s physician in Washington, who said that the 79-year-old justice suffered from a host of chronic conditions.
“He was having health issues,” Guevara said, adding that she is awaiting a statement from Scalia’s doctor that will be added to his death certificate when it is issued later this week.
Guevara also rebutted a report by a Dallas TV station that quoted her as saying that Scalia had died of “myocardial infarction.” In an interview with The Washington Post, she said she meant only that his heart had stopped.
“It wasn’t a heart attack,” Guevara said. “He died of natural causes.”

Scalia’s body was moved to an El Paso funeral home early Sunday, then driven from Marfa and arrived around 2:30 a.m. at Sunset Funeral Homes, according to spokesman Chris Lujan.
Lujan said the funeral home was chosen by Scalia’s family, and at the advice of a family friend.
The El Paso County medical examiner’s office said they hadn’t received any information regarding the possibility of performing an autopsy.
As WND reported, the seemingly quick conclusion that Scalia died of “natural causes” is prompting calls for an autopsy and toxicological reports by activists and across social media platforms.
Poindexter said Scalia’s sudden death was both a personal tragedy for those at the ranch, and for the nation at large.
“All of us here saw him as a stalwart defender of our way of life in Texas, in a real sense,” he said. “It’s a great loss. Having made that statement, if it was his time to go, he was surrounded by friends, in fairly nice setting, with a full tummy too. He said he was very happy to be invited so it could have been in worse circumstances. … It’s caused all of us here to stop and think about life, how precious it is, and how it is so unexpectedly lost.”

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/02/scalia-found-dead-with-pillow-over-his-head/#15MkV1BIkpMfivZo.99

Demographic Winter in America

LIBERTY REPORT:  Demographic Winter in America


Friends and patriots across America,

Welcome to the latest edition of our Liberty Report.

Right now we’re in the middle of winter.  But the real season is a cultural one; we’re speaking about demographic winter.  While aging American baby-boomers attempt to retire in a centrally planned declining economy, Muslim invaders are plotting their strategy to increase their numbers and gain political power in our country.   article  which addresses this point. http://drrichswier.com/2016/02/11/video-terrorist-to-register-1-million-muslim-voters/ It’s a strategy of attrition, made possible because Americans are committing national suicide.

Since Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973, stupid Americans embraced a new-found “right” to abortion, savagely killing nearly 60 MILLION future taxpayers since the Supreme Court legalized the barbaric practice.  Americans never looked down the road to see the tragic national consequences nearly five decades years later.  Today our birthrate is at 1.6 children per woman, below replacement rate, while Muslims are out-reproducing Americans at a rate of 3.1 children per woman.  During the Golden Age of America in the 1950’s, our reproduction rate was 3.5 children per woman.  How far the mighty have fallen.  In the coming years, America will be faced with a massive imbalance between the infirm elderly and a relatively smaller proportion of younger people who are descendants of the natives.  Muslims will become a much higher demographic percentage of American culture — and they have much larger families.
What might the benchmark of these changes be?    Beware the change winds are howling outside, even at our door.

Jim Komaniecki
www.RestoreAmericanLiberty.com, INC.