Summary of Homer District 33C School Board Meeting February 11, 2016

goodings pumpkins 109
The Board of Education approved revised job descriptions for Custodian, Sec- retary (building level), Clerical Aide and Administrative Assistant for Curriculum and Instruction; revised title and job description for Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent; job description for Homer 33C coaching position.
Kathleen Robinson, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, presented  an update on the District’s five-year Strategic Plan, which was launched at the begin- ning of the 2013-14 school year. The District is on track with its goals, which were established with the help of a committee of parents, teachers, administrators, non- certified staff members and community members as well as feedback from stake- holders. The five strategic goals that are guiding the District, are:

  • Student Achievement: Provide an effective and instructional program that supports academic success for all students.
  • Learning Environment: Provide a safe, welcoming and inspirational learning environment that compels and motivates students to participate in their own educa
  • Professional Environment: Maintain a positive, dynamic work environment in a self-renewing organiza
  • Partnerships: Build and strengthen productive partnerships among all stakeholders to effectively communicate the District’s ongoing journey.
  • Resources: Manage and maintain the District’s positive fiscal status while

addressing the District’s strategic priorities.
To aid in the implementation of goals, the District developed eight high-level strategies to serve as a roadmap and timeline for completing objectives. Those eight high-level strategies are:

  1. 1. Provide a standards-based curriculum that ensures each child will have the same essential learning opport
  2. 2. Provide an aligned system of common formative and summative assessments for each grade level and department to guide instruction in a timely fashion and determine whether expected mastery and growth have occurre
  3. 3. Provide directive, timely support within the school day for students who need challenge beyond their required learning and students who are challenged in their learning.
  4. 4. Provide a District-wide data system that provides timely, accessible metrics de- scribing the District’s/schools’/classrooms’/students’ achievements, successes and challenges and share results, where suitable, to both internal and external stakeholder
  5. 5. Provide time and resources for staff to regularly and frequently meet within the school day around best practices, common data-based results and improving instructional offerings as focused, accountable collaborative tea
  6. 6. Provide a safe, welcoming and inspirational school learning environment where students will demonstrate responsibility for their own learning and staff will demonstrate their commitment to and caring of stude


Barb Wilson, President Angela Adolf, Vice President Amy Blank, Secretary
Ed Campins, Member Elizabeth Hitzeman, Member Debra Martin, Member
Russ Petrizzo, Member


  1. Provide structures to engage and feedback mechanisms to elicit the educational aspirations and talents of parents and community members as partners in the Homer 33C educational proces
  2. Ensure that District fiscal, technological and human resources are efficiently utilized to further the District’s strategic priorities while also ensuring long- term fiscal solvency and technological and human resource effectivene

Under each high-level strategy is a list of objectives to complete and a school year in which to complete them. Most of the objectives have been completed. Those remaining include:

  • Unpacking Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and establishing benchmarks for each grading period as well as District science curriculum pacing guides and aligned curricular mater
  • Evaluating gifted/talented service delivery and resource
  • Developing clear technology standards for each grade leve
  • Developing a Parent Advisory Counc

Toward the end of the five-year strategic plan in 2017-18, Robinson suggests
the District form another committee to establish goals that will guide the District for the next five years.
The Board of Education approved a waiver of facility use fees for Olivet Nazarene University to offer a cohort program at Young School. In exchange, Homer 33C staff will enjoy a 20 percent discount on tuition. Those pursuing doctorates will receive a 10 percent discount. For more information, click here or visit the district’s website and click on the “Employee Page” tab on the left side of the screen. There, you will find a link to the Olivet Nazarene University informational flyer.
The Board of Education approved Letter s of Intent to Retire from Susan Jagust and Jane Fojtik.
John Reiniche, Assistant Superintendent for Business, presented a report on the District’s Cash Flow and Fund Balances, which are expected to hit a low of $2.7 million in May before rebounding to a projected $18.8 million in June. The report will aid the Board in its conversations about how much cash the Dis- trict should have on hand to meet financial obligations at low points in the tax cycle.
 The Next Regular School Board Meeting is February 23, 2016 at 7:30