Watch: GOA’s Erich Pratt makes mincemeat of CNN’s Carol Costello in gun debate

Here’s a hint for CNN anchor Carol Costello: If you’re going to question a knowledgeable guest on your show you need to have more than a few shallow phrases and talking points at your disposal.
Costello, armed with the usual anti-gun banalities, sought to corner Gun Owners of America’s Erich Pratt with sophistic statistics and straw men. Pratt countered with information from a study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Academy of Sciences resulting from President Barack Obama’s gun control executive orders following the Sandy Hoax school “shooting” – a study Costello seemed unaware existed even though CNN reported on it, taking CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden to task for not talking about so-called “gun violence” more, just six months ago.
As Pratt noted, the study showed that guns were used  between 500,000 to 3 million times a year for self-defense. That means guns were used 16 to 100 times more often to save lives than they were used to take them. And here’s the Slate article Pratt mentioned.