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A group of three consumer protection advocates filed a lawsuit against General Mills over claims that some of its products contain only natural ingredients.
Moms Across America, Beyond Pesticides and the Organic Consumers Association with the Richman Law Group filed the suit.
According to the complaint, General Mills mislabels several of its popular granola bars as “made with 100% natural whole grain oats.”
According to the complaint: “The oat products at issue are not ‘made with 100% Natural whole grain oats,’ but instead the oats contain the chemical glyphosate, a potent biocide and human endocrine disruptor, with detrimental health effects that are still becoming known.”
“No reasonable consumer, seeing these representations, would expect that the oats or any ingredients in the products to contain something that is unnatural.”
We’ve told you before about corporations using “natural” labeling to sell chemical-laden foods to unwitting consumers.
Basically, “natural” means the product was made using ingredients found on earth — which can include some 10,000 unhealthy additives.
Big food manufacturers are increasingly mislabeling foods containing dangerous ingredients and harmful chemicals as healthy, natural options—and American shoppers are being fooled daily.
Research just released from Consumer Reports shows that last year about 62 percent of Americans opted to buy so-called “natural” foods, believing they were free of genetically modified organisms, artificial ingredients and colors, chemicals and pesticides.
Unfortunately, that simply isn’t true.