Hillary Clinton has a meltdown


hillary-deplorables-and-cell-phonesMatt Lauer came under a firestorm of criticism from Hillary Clinton’s leftist cabal earlier this month after he dared to ask questions any reasonable journalist might ask “grill” her (propaganda media’s words) over her lies, misdirections, obfuscations and doublespeak in the ongoing email scandal. Some political pundits went so far as to call Lauer a “morning show lightweight.” Of course, we’ve learned that stepping outside the narrative lines regarding Hillary is a fireable offense.
Now comes a report that, following the NBC broadcast of the Commander-in-Chief forum, Clinton had a meltdown that included:

…throwing a water glass at a staffer – narrowly missing her head, and demanding that Matt Lauer be fired! She was overheard threatening executives at NBC saying, “If we lose, we all go down and that Fascist F**k will have us swinging from nooses. What the f**k is wrong with you idiots?”

Hillary then is said to have screamed at everyone in sight for close to an hour, with staffers feeling like she was having a “Hitler-like rage down.”
If Hitlery believes she and her criminal cabal will be “swinging from nooses” if Trump is elected, then clearly she knows she’s broken many laws, up to and including treason.
Guess what Hillary; we out here in the land of the “deplorables” are well aware of your crimes, too. And we’d love to see you face trial, be convicted and then make a march to the gallows. That’d be a great start toward curing the nation of what ails it.
But I doubt you have to worry about Donald Trump. You and he share too many of the same establishment friends.
And as to your charge that Trump is “fascist,” well, it takes one to know one, as the kids might say.