Inconvenient truth: The media’s manufactured freak out over Trump refusal to say he’ll concede


al gore at SXSWRepeatedly badgering GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about whether he’ll concede if he loses the election is nothing more than an attempt to perpetuate the myth that Hillary Clinton will be the inevitable victor in the 2016 election.

Clinton characterized Trump’s refusal to say he’ll accept the election result no matter what as “horrifying” during Wednesday night’s debate and, without hesitation, the media ran with her statement.
But the Trump campaign says the GOP candidate’s decision to keep voters in “suspense” as to whether he’d concede is simply an effort to avoid the type of electoral confusion created when Al Gore conceded before changing his mind in the 2000 presidential contest.
“No one has ever conceded an election before the election actually takes place,” spokesman Jason Miller told Fox News. “Nobody wants an Al Gore, who goes out and concedes, and then unconcedes, and then concedes again.”
Trump’s team maintains that evidence of deeply rooted corruption within the Clinton political machine requires that the GOP candidate leave open the door for investigations of possible election fraud after Nov. 8.
It’s also worth noting that Gore is still suggesting that he has doubts about the outcome of the 200 election. Earlier this month he told a crowd of Clinton supporters: “Here’s my point: I don’t want you to be in a position years from now where you welcome Hillary Clinton and say, ‘Actually, you did win. It just wasn’t close enough to make sure that all the votes were counted or whatever.’”