It’s no secret that some of America’s college professors are totally out of line.
Everyday I hear stories about professors who attack and target conservatives, promote liberal propaganda, and use their position of power to advance liberal agendas in their classroom.
Turning Point USA is saying enough is enough.  It’s time we expose these professors.
Today, Turning Point USA is proud to announce the launch, a website dedicated to documenting and exposing professors who discriminate against conservative students and promote anti-American, left wing propaganda in the classroom.
Meet some of the professor’s we profiled….
Dr. Charles Angeletti is a tenured professor at Metropolitan State University Denver. He required students to recite a pledge that describes a racist, sexist, homophobic America: “I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American and to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you if you don’t watch your step.”
Dr. Mireille Miller-Young is an Associate Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Miller was sentenced to three years’ probation after violently attacking a 16-year-old pro-life activist on campus. She was convicted of assault, theft, and destruction of property, but the University of Santa Barbara never fired her.
Dr. Brittney Cooper is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University. Cooper stated thatwhite racism is to blame for Brexit. She tweeted “White nationalism gone be the death of all of us. #Brexit” and went on to say. “The only thing I know that makes white folks vote against their own economic interest is racism. #Brexit.” In another interview to Salon she stated that white people need to start recognizing that they are “the face of the oppressor.” Cooper has also stated that Christian conservatives worship a “white supremacist Jesus.”
Dr. Julio C. Pino is a tenured professor at Kent State University in Ohio. Dr. Pino is currently under investigation for having ties to the well known terrorist group ISIS, and allegedly recruiting students to join the Islamic State. The professor once shouted “”Death to Israel!”” at a public lecture by a former Israeli diplomat, and has been a featured columnist for several anti-Semitic and pro terrorism publications.
These people are teaching our students!!
Throughout the next 120 days, Turning Point USA will be running ads to make sure students, faculty, and administrators see that these professors made the Professor Watch List.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Turning Point USA to keep this website running!
We believe these people need to be exposed. With your help, students, parents, and society at large will begin to realize what is happening in our universities.

Charlie Kirk
Founder & Executive Director
Turning Point USA