Why we need the Electoral College


November 12, 2016


While Democrats were able to construct some 3 million votes through the voter fraud of illegals voting in the presidential election – which may serve to give the Witch from Chappaqua the most popular votes – they were not able to sustain their Electoral College math lead. That means that, barring some Electoral College shenanigans, Donald Trump will be elected president come December 19 when the electors meet.
So, with Democrats still reeling over the surprise (to them) election of Trump, Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer filed legislation Tuesday to abolish the Electoral College. A worse idea for a change in election laws could not be conceived.
Boxer’s legislative move was followed by the predictable propaganda, with author Lawrence R. Samuel writing in The Washington Postthat it’s time to not only end the Electoral College, but to do away with the notion of states altogether.
The Founding Fathers feared two things above all else: a democracy and an overly powerful executive. The Electoral College was designed to prevent both. For a good history of the Electoral College and its evolution over the years, read “Origins of the Electoral College,” by Randall G. Holcombe.
In Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the Founders established the method of electing the president, with electors from each state, not the people – the number of electors being equal to the states’ congressional delegations –casting their votes for president. The candidate getting a majority of the electoral votes would be named president. If no candidate received a majority the House of Representatives would select the president from the top three vote-getters.
The people played little part in early presidential elections. Instead, presidents prior to 1828 were selected by political elites.
The election process has drifted far from where the Founders intended. Still, the Electoral College is essential for preventing the U.S. from becoming a democracy with the president elected by popular vote.
Democracies are mob rule or groupism, as I explained in “How the anti-Trump crowd clamors for its own slavery.” Democracy is anathema to individual liberty. Democracy is tyranny with a pretty face.
Without the Electoral College a presidential candidate would merely have to win a big majority of the population in the five or six of the most populace states to carry the election – say California, New York, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. As it is, Democrats hold a decisive advantage in the Electoral College math because they advocate for socialism, minorities love socialism, and minorities tend to congregate in the urban areas.
As a result, Democrats can win only about 20-30 percent of the counties of the America and still win the election, even with the Electoral College. Look at the map* below. It shows the counties won by Hillary Clinton (blue) and Donald Trump (red).
Had Clinton been elected a vast swatch of Middle America – geographically speaking — would have been on the losing end of the election.
The globalist elites want to erase all borders in their move toward one world government, and the globalist elites love democracy as much as minorities love it. That’s because the principle of government is that political power is maximized by forcibly leveling every individual to the same status of conformity, collectivism, ecumenicalism and serfdom. But it must be done in such a way that the people who are being reduced never see it coming. That’s why it’s done with gradualism and by “the vote.”
Pretty soon people vote for their own slavery.
*Map created by Mark Newman, Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan
Updated: November 10, 2016