Lockport Love December 17th annual gift giveaway
Everyone is invited to join us at the Iron Horse Saloon at 9am on Saturday, December 17th for our annual gift giveaway.  After a breakfast sandwich and coffee we will travel with police cars, fire trucks, Dean’s RV, regular cars and Santa (AKA Alderman Deskin), to the Lockport Love homes to provide gifts for the children. We would like to get as many people as possible in Dean’s RV to minimize the length of our procession but you are free to drive your car if you prefer.
For those that are liaisons to a family, please let me or BJ know if we are stopping at that home on the 17th or if a silent visit is more appropriate. Also please have your presents wrapped and have names on them and carry them in the vehicle you will be riding in on the 17th when we give the gifts to the families.
Feel free to bring your kids as it is a great way to show them charity.  From those of us that have participated in the past, I think we get as much joy from it as the recipients.  Hope you can make it.