Tomi Lahren: ‘Intolerant Left’ Will Not Allow Any Celebrities to Hobnob With Trump (Video)

Amid reports that President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration committee is having trouble booking entertainment for the January 20th event, with some rumors indicating entertainers may fear reprisal if they agree to perform, Tomi Lahren appeared on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss the intolerance of the left when it comes to the President-elect.
O’Reilly asked Lahren if she believed performers who agree to align themselves with Trump by agreeing to perform are actually in danger of losing “their livelihood” for that decision.
“Well Bill, there are still many Americans out there that fail to understand that Donald Trump will be our 45th president, that he will be inaugurated on January 20th. They haven’t even accepted that yet. If they can’t accept that, of course they’re not going to accept entertainers going to perform at the inauguration…
I think it’s kind of the side-eye, the same thing we saw in the election. Oh you’re a Trump supporter? You must be a racist, you must be a bigot…I’m still wondering when they’re going to accept the fact that he’s going to be our president. Then maybe we can move on and actually unite.”
Watch the full interview here: