Jeremy Segal – © 2016

#DisruptJ20 Chaos, Crisis, Drones and Roller Derby Planned for Trump Inauguration

Violent activists (#ObamasChildren) plan to cause chaos and “create a sense of crisis” through harassment and intimidation that could devolve into something much uglier and more dangerous, according to Roger Stone. Stone obtained details about the coordinated chaos from a operative inside the #J20 Planning Committee Session, and says that activists are planning to use violent tactics against peaceful Americans gathering for the swearing in of the 45th President, that may go as far laughing rockets from drones to activists playing roller derby knock down games with civilians. Groups planning to participate in the attacks include Rising Tide North America, Showing up for Racial Justice and Black Lives Matter. Stone has more information in the first few minutes of the following video from

RebelPundit will be on the scene filming in Washington, D.C. during the inauguration weekend. Become a RebelPundit producer by contributing to our original film and video productions here.