School Makes SICK Request of Girl Sexually Assaulted by Muslim Immigrant

By   Article fro CP
Why are we so afraid of offending Muslim immigrants that we will let them get away with the most heinous crimes, including the abuse of our own children?
This isn’t even political correctness any longer. It’s pure INSANITY!

In Canada, a 14-year-old school girl was physically and sexually assaulted by two teenage Syrian refugees.
But when her parents took the matter to the school and to local police, they are BLOWN AWAY by the response.
From Milo Yiannopolous:

Perhaps the most troubling part of the story occurred after the incident, when documents obtained in a freedom of information request revealed school officials standing up for the Syrian boy…
The victim’s mother was encouraged by Fredericton City Police to look at the incident from the perspective of the Syrian refugee. This meant considering ‘cultural issues,’ such as the difference in the way Canadian women dress and the ‘flowing hormones’ of a boy in a different country.
The rapist received a mere one-week suspension from school.
That poor girl is currently undergoing therapy and may never be the same again.

Why are we allowing this to happen in our countries? And when is enough ENOUGH?
How far will we let them go in abusing our children?