Obama’s Watergate



When Donald Trump tweeted that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower and Trump’s telephone lines, it was clear what he meant.
No one who saw or heard about Trump’s tweets thought he meant Obama had donned a ninja suit, snuck up outside Trump Tower in the dead of night, attached a bug to the phone and sat there for days listening in with headphones.
The propaganda media, leftist dissemblers and Deep State puppets jumped quickly to make it appear that’s precisely what Trump meant in order to make Trump appear deranged and out of touch for making such a claim. Even House Speaker Paul Ryan (corporatist NeverTrumper – Wisconsin) said, “No such wiretap existed.” Both Democrats and Republicans insisted Trump apologize to Obama for making the charge.
The word “wiretap” once had a specific meaning. When people had telephones that communicated by transmitting data via wires, spooks had to physically connect a listening device to the wires to listen in on the calls. For a wiretap to be legal, a warrant was required.
This changed in the age of wireless communications. Now the word “wiretap” refers to electronic surveillance of all sorts. And there’s a lot of it.
I’ve been writing for more than 20 years about the government’s ability – and propensity — to scarf up electronic communications like a Shop-Vac® sucking up sawdust in a carpenter shop. You can see excerpts of some of those original reports in “Privacy News,” “The two hands of Big Brother: Losing our liberties update,”  “To destroy your privacy, to destroy your life” and “The U.S. National Security Agency.”
In 1988 reports surfaced that outlined how under project ECHELON the U.S. National Security Agency was partnering with intelligence services in Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Japan and even Communist China to tap into worldwide telecommunications networks. The Cleveland Plain Dealer revealed that the system had been used to tap U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond’s calls without a warrant. The report was based on testimony from an employee of defense contractor Lockheed Missiles and Space Corporation (a division of Lockheed Martin) who turned whistleblower to reveal the company’s “black” U.S. intelligence programs operating through that company.
This type of surveillance has continued apace, as revealed by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers, though it is much more sophisticated than anyone can imagine. We know from media reports that intelligence agencies monitored the communications and computers of members of Congress and a number of journalists under Obama.
Now a new whistleblower has emerged revealing more of the clandestine government spying during the Obama years: NSA and CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery.
Montgomery left the two spying agencies with 47 hard drives and 600 million pages of information – much of it classified – revealing what is apparently illegal and unconstitutional spying on prominent Americans like the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen like Donald Trump and others. In a paper put out by Judicial Watch, which is representing Montgomery, Montgomery claimed to have informed the House Intelligence Committee about the information he had, but the committee was uninterested. It had this information prior to FBI Director James Comey’s and NSA Director Michael Rogers’ testimony before the committee.
During thier testimony, chief spooks Comey and Admiral Rogers lied, dissembled and parsed, dancing around Trump’s claims like they were Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.
We know from mainstream media reports that last summer investigators sought a FISA warrant to give legal imprimatur for electronic surveillance of Trump, and were denied. They later went back to the FISA court and received a warrant to surveil Trump associates. Comey admitted that Trump has been under investigation for Russian ties for most of a year.
MSM reports revealed that Michael Flynn’s communications with the Russian ambassador were tapped, though the claim is Flynn was just caught up in standard surveillance of a Russian VIP.
Multiple U.S. and likely British spy agencies were investigating Trump. This includes electronic surveillance in all its many forms. No FISA warrant was needed specifically to listen in on Trump and his transition team members (see how they captured Flynn). All that was needed was a FISA warrant on a foreign national one of those people may talk to in the future. With that, Comey, etc., could with a straight face say that no wiretapping of Trump was taking place.
During the campaign, both Obama and Hillary made subtle and not-so-subtle claims that Trump was working with Russians. If this was going on they wouldn’t know it unless Obama’s spooks were listening in on Trump and Trump Team communications and sharing it with top administration officials. If it were not going on then Obama, the witch from Chappaqua and the MSM just made it up from whole cloth.
On his way out the door, Obama made it easier for the various intelligence agencies to share the captured information. In drips and drabs, it has since been leaked to the press.
Watergate stemmed from the burglary of Democrat headquarters during a presidential campaign. Trump Towers was essentially Republican HQ for the presidential race.
Obama’s spooks broke into Republican HQ electronically in order to grab dirt on Trump, and shared what they learned with Obama, the Clinton campaign and the media in order, first, to defeat Trump; and second, to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and find dirt to use to try and force him out of office.
Obama, through his surrogates, has denied it happened. But Obama, through his surrogates, certainly wiretapped Trump. And Obama knew about it.
This is Obama’s Watergate.