Human liberty can only exist or be restored with an accurate perception of reality. Mind distorting fictions of government must be exposed. To do otherwise is to keep us dependent on an ivory tower mysticism based on lies and the duplicity of politicians and bureaucrats.

Government is a parasite cult, organized, and disguised behind a peculiar language of code words and phrases. Without anyone taking notice, change agents distort keywords in our language. This blunts, diminishes and distorts our thinking process to the great advantage of unseen authority. This process is so gradual as to be imperceptible. Out of it evolves very sophisticated control and plunder. When our words are manipulated, our thoughts are manipulated into false realities and illusions. Consequently, our competitiveness and survival instincts are reduced in favor of dependence on government authority.

Few people are aware that change agents exist. They work behind the scenes to craft words and phrases that distort our language and disrupt our thought processes. They make good seem evil and evil seem good and deceive us into giving up our liberties for altruistic purposes.

This is not altruism in the dictionary sense. This altruism is hypocrisy, deceit, egotism, love of money, criminal politics, “patriotism,” nepotism among the elite nobility, brotherhood of secret societies, manipulation of the public mind and its production.

It is a mask for deception. The fiat system promotes altruism with slogans like, “For the greater good,” “It’s for the children” and “Equality for all.” Translated, this means, give of your substance so that we may all be equal.

Altruism is an attribute of the liberal mind. It is based on groupism, which is the concept of egalitarianism. It is the opposite of individuality and responsibility. It is the basis upon which all redistributive schemes are launched.

Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. He says that mass persuasion and mass hypnosis is the fundamental of so-called democracy.

This is from Bernays book, Propaganda:

“Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.

“In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business or in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.”

New code words and phrases enter our language all the time. They work off old ones that have been around for years. Terms like “public policy,” which really means government policy; “conspiracy theory,” which means any challenge to conventional wisdom; “extremist,” which means anyone who advocates for small government and a return to the constitution; and “terrorist,” which means anyone the government decides, including Americans who advocate for liberty; are all old code words.

Democracy may be the most deceptive code word ever conceived. It implies liberty and one man, one vote. But it is mob rule collectivism and benevolent totalitarianism.

Following are some new code words becoming more common in discourse today. You should be aware of them and what people really mean when they use them.

Educated/education — Where once this implied acquired/acquiring knowledge, now education is a system of indoctrination in state worship and pseudo-history. The result of this is that once an individual goes through the public school system, he is a mature manifestation of the system and practically insulated from reality and original inquiry. But beyond that indoctrination, he’s simply much dumber than when he started.

A test developed for NASA to determine the creativity of its engineers and scientists was administered to children aged 4 and 5 in the 1990s. The tests showed that 98 percent of the children were creative geniuses. Scientists then administered this same test to the same children every five years. What they learned was that by age 10, just 30 percent of the children were still geniuses. By age 15 the number had dropped to 12 percent. When the test was administered to them as adults aged 25 and up, fewer than 2 percent were still creative geniuses.

This demonstrates the power the indoctrination and subsequent propaganda from the corporate mainstream media has over the human mind.

Toxic masculinity — Like the nebulous terms “hate speech” and “assault weapons,” toxic masculinity has no real definition but is applied to those things that make a male a man, including strength, protective qualities, problem-solving, decisiveness, emotional control, toughness, controlled aggression and courage. These traits require individualism, which is anathema to collectivism That is why it is part of the “unofficial policy” in America to feminize men in order level the playing field for the sexes. It is a plank of feminism — which is endorsed by both political policies — as the site explains: “Bottom line, the goal is homogenous: Feminism aims for gender equality within a currently patriarchal society.”

Diversity — This word implies racial, religious and sexual tolerance but means something entirely different.  It means rejection of traditional western (American) and Judeo-Christian values and substituting them with secularism, immorality and collectivism. People who preach diversity really mean conformity to their particular dogma.

Social justice — Like the term “white privilege,” this term implies that all successful white people obtained their status simply because of their skin color and because the system is tilted in their favor. The term “social justice” implies that minorities are automatically disadvantaged because of their minority status and must be compensated monetarily and/or with special laws passed that favor them or grant them special privileges in order to overcome their natural “handicaps.” Promoting social justice stands equal opportunity on its head in favor of equality of outcomes. It’s being used to great effect by the social Marxists to keep racial and sexual animosity at a fever pitch and to silence those who support traditional conservative and Christian values.

Obstructionist — Anyone who disagrees with or opposes conventional wisdom and the steady march toward political collectivism, anti-Christian policies and destructive open border/immigration programs and anti-liberty schemes.

Extremist — This is often used as a synonym for obstructionist and is applied to anyone who advocates for a smaller, less intrusive government, opposes all policies that are unconstitutional and rejects compromise on constitutional principles.

Medically inaccurate information — This is a control phrase originating from the secret towers of the pharmaceuticals and applies to any information not endorsed by allopathic or traditional medicine. Big Pharma propaganda has actually caused the public to believe that drugs cure disease and whole foods, nutrition and natural supplements are as ineffective and nutty as witchcraft and voodoo.

White nationalism/white supremacy — A racist term used by the left wing to delegitimize populism and the move to oust establishment politicians and halt globalism. The terms white nationalism/white supremacy were originally used to shut down, silence or intimidate anyone who opposed Zionism (the belief that the establishment of national Israel in modern history is the continuing fulfillment of prophecy). Now it is employed against anyone who supports strong borders, enforcement of immigration laws, rejects globalism and crony trade deals. Even African America people are now being called “white nationalists” if they promote conservative American ideals.