By Bob Livingston

Most people think that if they like their doctor and they can keep their doctor it means they have health freedom.

This is based on the power of the modern pharmaceutical monopoly, which is awesome in the extreme, yet it lays silent and out of the public mind. It has propaganda shield that is rarely pierced except by a creative and knowledgeable few. Our readers are among the few.

The phrases, “See your doctor,” or “Tell your doctor” are really control phrases originating in the secret towers of the pharmaceuticals. They are dependency phrases repeated millions of times a day. They are opposite of health freedom.

They are designed to keep the public from even questioning doctors who are brainwashed in medical schools controlled by the pharmaceuticals. The control phrases were created to build a prescription drug culture in America. Has the plan succeeded? Yes, to the tune of trillions of dollars of profits upon a hapless drug-dependent society.

Doctors are unwittingly pharmaceutical’s lackeys, pushing drugs on an ignorant people. The drug culture has actually caused the public to believe that drugs heal in the place of whole food and nutrition.

I was recently listening in on a conversation between two friends of mine discussing their medical ailments. One is a full-blown diabetic, required to take insulin. The other, a woman, was complaining that she frequently has bouts of low blood sugar that causes her to have the typical symptoms; headache, shaking, sweating, dizziness, fatigue and lack of concentration. The kicker; she’s taking medicine to control her blood sugar even though she’s not diabetic. Her doctor put her on the medication to control her blood sugar as a preventative because her blood sugar levels made her “borderline” (her words) diabetic.

Yet even though she’s not diabetic and the medication she’s been prescribed sends her into bouts of hypoglycemia, she dutifully takes her medication as instructed. She’s a slave to the medical cartel.

Thanks to mass brainwash from the mainstream media — particularly stemming from the ongoing debate over Obamacare — people have come to equate health care with health insurance. What the MSM and the politicians are telling you when they tell you that without Obamacare you won’t have healthcare is that without Obamacare you won’t have health insurance. Health care and health insurance are not the same thing, but they have come to mean the same thing in the public’s mind.

But having health insurance — whether under Obamacare, the pre-Obamacare era or some as yet uncreated system to come — still doesn’t equate to having health freedom. That’s because the insurance cartel is partners with the medical cartel to control what treatments are acceptable and what are not.

Health insurance companies will approve all manner of tests, treatments and drugs, except the ones that work.

The doctor of the woman described above prescribed a diabetes medicine that health insurance pays for. But all the woman has to do get herself away from being a borderline diabetic is change her diet.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease of diet, and its symptom of high insulin is a sign one is on the road to osteoporosis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer and, of course, diabetes. Why didn’t the doctor tell her that?

Diabetes rates in Americans are high and rising higher because of our Western grain-based and sugar-laced processed food diet.

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes enough insulin, but blood sugar levels increase so that cell membranes are triggered to become insulin-resistant. In response, the pancreas makes more insulin. Over time, insulin receptors in cell membranes begin to function abnormally. When blood sugar levels remain high all the time, damage to the cells of organ systems is the result.

So what we have is a situation where high insulin is a symptom we are getting denoting that something is wrong. And in America, thanks to the mass propaganda, what we do when something is wrong is take a drug, even though studies show that changing diet is the only cure for type 2 diabetes, and its effects can be reversed with a diet change.

But the medical doctor didn’t tell her that. He just put her on a drug, which will inevitably lead to another drug being required to cover over side effects; then another and another.

Anyone interested in seeing what real health freedom looks like should turn their attention to our neighbors to the south. The Mexican city of Los Algodones demonstrates what happens when the free market is allowed to prosper without government interference.

Every day some 6,000 Americans cross the border checkpoint at Yuma, Arizona, to travel to Los Algodones for medical treatment. There are more dentists per capita in Los Algodones than anywhere else in the world. And almost every square foot of public space is covered with advertisements that promise quality and affordable dental care, vision care and prescription drugs, as noted by

The economy of Los Algodones is built on people crossing the border from the U.S. — coming from America and Canada — in search of low-cost medical services they cannot afford in their own countries… even if they have health insurance.

Dental work generally runs about one-third of the cost in America, and customers can save as much as 80 percent or more on costly operations. As notes, prices are much less for several reasons.

Mexican dental students don’t graduate with a mountain of debt that must be paid off. Dental school is generally tuition-free. Students pay off the government by providing one year of free service after graduation.

Real estate costs are less. But most importantly, Mexican health care providers don’t have to deal with insurance bureaucracy and paperwork and government-required reporting, regulations and malpractice insurance like American health care providers do.

Mexico is not the only destination for health freedom. Thailand has become a popular destination for medical tourism. It’s ranked among the world’s top 50 healthcare systems by the World Health Organization.

Thailand’s medical centers have international accreditation and they have highly trained doctors and the most modern medical equipment. They specialize in cosmetic surgery, dental procedures and organ transplants, but also provide care in most any area of specialization including alternative medicine.

They aren’t beholden to the pharmaceutical trust that controls American health care.

You can have health freedom, but only by avoiding the American allopathic medical-industrial complex and the health insurance monopoly and look to alternative medicine — which treats the whole body, not the symptoms — and the laissez-faire systems in other countries.