Posted on November 13, 2019 by Bob Livingston

#twill #tcot #sbalich #maga

Even though there are reports from alternative media naming Eric Ciaramella as the so-called whistleblower at the nexus of the Ukraine phase of the Democrats’ three-year effort to impeach President Donald Trump and Ciaramella’s name has been an open secret for weeks, establishment Washington has gone to great lengths to hide his name.

Impeachment head Adam (Pencilneck) Schiff (D-Commiefornia) has gone so far as to threaten bringing any congressweasel up on ethics charges if he or she utters the name of the whistleblower – even as Schiff claims to not know his name and Schiff’s team released the name in transcripts last week. How he plans to punish someone for naming the whistleblower if he doesn’t know the name is anybody’s guess.

The mainstream propaganda media have also joined hands in refusing to identify him. Even “fair and (un)balanced” Fox News has ordered its hosts to keep the name under wraps. And as we told you Monday, the social media platforms Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are scrubbing their sites of his name. Google has scrubbed his identity from its searches.

Last week, Senator Rand Paul challenged the legacy media to do their job and reveal the name. Paul later stated that he might release the name himself, opining that the people had a right to know who had sparked the impeachment circus.

On Wednesday, Paul dropped a bomb on establishment Washington. In an interview with Washington, D.C.-based WMAL, Paul named CIaramella and said he should testify at the impeachment inquiry.

“I think Eric Ciaramella needs to be pulled in for testimony, and then I think it will be ultimately determined at that point,” said Paul.

“But I think he is a person of interest in the sense that he was at the Ukraine desk when Joe Biden was there when Hunter Biden was working for the Ukrainian oligarch. So simply for that alone, I think he’s a material witness who needs to be brought in.

“I think the whistleblower needs to come in because he needs to be asked about, did he know about the conflict of interest?” said Paul.

“He was there during the time of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden working for $50,000 a month for a Ukrainian oligarch, so he needs to be asked about that.”

According to The Washington Examiner, Ciaramella is a 33-year-old career CIA analyst who worked closely with then-Vice President Joe Biden on Ukraine policy. Ciaramella even attended a State Department banquet with Biden in 2016.

Paul said he also wants answers about Ciaramella’s ties to the Democratic Party and Schiff, whose staff knew about the whistleblower’s report before it was filed.

Now the question is will Paul get de-personed or scrubbed for bucking official Washington?