Steve Balich Editors Note: We all need to get out and vote and bring our neighbors with us. Better yet vote early by mail! In any event Mike fricilone is the right person for the third Congressional District. Your choice is a Nazi or a conservative Pro-Life experienced legislator Currently serving as the minority leader on the Will County Board. Mike Fricilone is a family man that has fought tax increases at the County for the 7 years he has been on the Board.

From Capital Fax

* Art Jones, a perennial candidate who was a leader of the American Nazi Party, filed this morning to run as a Republican in the 3rd Congressional District. Jones won 26.5 percent of the vote against Democratic incumbent Dan Lipinski last year.

#Twill #tcot #maga #leadright #eyesrightopen #Nazi #elections #Marxism

But, unlike last time, Jones will likely have to defeat a Republican primary opponent. Will County Board Minority Leader Mike Fricilone filed his petitions to run last week.

* Jones was spotted at the Board of Elections today checking petition signatures…