For Immediate Release
The Warren-Casten Ticket?
Warren and Casten are running the same scam saying you’ll have a choice when their plans explicitly take that choice away.
Recently, Democrat POTUS candidate Elizabeth Warren released her $20.5 trillion for Medicare for All plan which, as CNBC reported, would eliminate Americans’ private health insurance plans in year three.
A few weeks later after receding in public opinion polls, Warren changed her position rhetorically saying an “opt-in” version of the plan would be in effect until her full program had been passed.
“We’re going to push through health care that’s available to everyone,” Warren said during a town hall in Clinton, Iowa.
Elizabeth Warren appears to be pulling a play from Rep. Sean Casten’s playbook.
On his campaign website, Casten advocates the same plan for which Warren is now voicing her support. It’s fair to ask, if they’re saying the same thing, are they not advocating for the same thing just without the candor of, say, a Bernie Sanders who also wants to eliminate private health insurance?
“Warren and Casten are running the same scam saying you’ll have a choice when their plans would inevitably take that choice away, said Jeanne Ives, Casten’s Republican challenger. “This is, ‘If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor’ 2.0.
“By contrast, if elected, I will advocate for market-based plans that give families and businesses owners real choice, and that protect pre-existing conditions, pre-existing doctors and pre-existing, private health insurance.”
For more information or to book Jeanne Ives contact Kathleen Murphy, Campaign Communication Director, at 630-329-4680 or