
    M. E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”

#twill #tcot #sbalich #constitution #maga #leadright #impeachment

Miss Constitution ended her last column in hopes the Speaker of the House would pull the two Articles of Impeachment and save herself, and some of her colleagues, wholesale embarrassment and ridicule. Instead, she chose to double down on the concept that pure partisanship can somehow supersede Rules in the United States Constitution and other precedents and writings that require certain predicates for the process to even begin. To take our eyes off those Rules she:

  1. Dressed in black for the Impeachment vote
  2. Offered daily prayers for the President she was about to attempt to remove
  3. Declared a night of sober reflection before ordering the Democratic lemmings in the House of Representatives off a cliff (three or so lemmings looked at the drop and declined to go)

Quoting Shakespeare about “brothers in blood” notwithstanding, an experienced politician allowed herself to be talked into something that defies THE WORD WE DARE NOT SPEAK.

Miss Constitution thinks there is a good lesson to be learned here. Miss Constitution herself, in teaching Constitutional law for many years, could not bring herself to emphasize THE WORD WE DARE NOT SPEAK although she meticulously led students to it through careful study and historic analysis. So much for the bravery of Miss Constitution! In a way, Miss Constitution’s heart goes out to the Speaker of the House.

Since we are in the holiday season, Miss Constitution would first like to review the Rules so we are all clear for the next round, and second, she would like to help the Speaker and other Democrats (if they see they need help), out of their jam.

These are the predicates to begin an Impeachment process against a sitting President of the United States:

            Rule 1.  The whole House of Representatives must vote to open the inquiry

Rule 2.  The vote to open an inquiry must be bipartisan with broad, general,  consensus

            Rule 3.  If an inquiry is opened there must be scrupulous Due Process for all

Rule 4.  Unless a dire national emergency, the inquiry must not be close to a Presidential election

The Impeachment inquiry recently conducted meets none of these requirements. Now, to help the Speaker, Miss Constitution would have all of you –

  1. Let her wiggle her way out without sarcasm or any comment at all. Silence can be a very effective behavior modification tool
  2. If she sends the Articles on to the Senate for trial, ask that they be killed quickly or if not killed quickly limited to two witnesses and two weeks max
  3. Remember that we are in the season of PEACE ON EARTH so do not gloat or argue or set verbal traps for your friends and loved ones

Miss Constitution would also suggest the conversation be changed to the Omnibus bill and further ruinous spending and national debt. The Impeachment debacle has steered our attention away (deliberately?) from the fiscal stewardship we are obliged to honor. Sometimes the Sovereign must save their elected representatives from themselves and their Mary Jane (see a prior column) and Jim Jones (Kool-Aid) moments.


OBEDIENCE. The United States Constitution requires all of us obey no matter how much we want a certain outcome or how convinced we are that a certain outcome is rightful. This is a difficult but necessary civic virtue. If the Predicates have not been met one simply does not proceed. We all remember as teenagers how many brain cells we burned away trying to get out of THE WORD. Miss Constitution wishes all of you just the best of holidays and she wishes that for Speaker Pelosi, as well.

Copyright©2019 M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”