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For Immediate Release 

Cook County Republican Party Chairman Endorses Jeanne Ives for Congress

January 10, 2020  – Jeanne Ives, Republican candidate for Congress (IL-06), has been endorsed by Sean Morrison, Chair of the Cook County Republican Party.

“In 2020, Cook County voters are confronting the revelations of deeply rooted corruption in local government,” said Morrison. “Voters are looking for candidates they can trust. In the IL-06 race, only Jeanne Ives has a record of standing up to corrupt insiders and powerful party leaders, as well as unapologetically advancing government reform and transparency legislation. I know Jeanne’s resolve and understand her principles. That’s why I am endorsing Jeanne Ives, and encouraging Cook County voters to look past headlines to get to know her real record.”

Morrison joins Republican National Committeewoman Demetra Demonte, Lake County Republican Party (chaired by ILGOP Co-Chair Mark Shaw), Club for Growth, the House Freedom CaucusFreedomWorks, Susan B. Anthony List and Former IL-06 Congressman Peter Roskam in formally endorsing Ives. 

Rich Porter, Illinois Republican National Committeeman has also thrown support behind Ives in her 2020 race. And the entire Illinois’ Republican Congressional Delegation were recently joined by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in hosting a fundraiser for Ives in Washington DC.


For more information or to book Jeanne Ives contact Kathleen Murphy, Campaign Communication Director, at 630-329-4680 or kathleenemurphy26@gmail.com.