Chances are the average person thinks “holistic” and “homeopathic” are the same thing. This is intended, since chances are also good that your friendly allopathic doctor thinks all homeopathy is nonsense, as well as holistic (whole body) healing. They want you to think both are equally bunkum.

This is a problem, because people are programmed to listen to their doctors. How many times have you heard “talk to your doctor” in advertisements? It’s repeated propaganda so that this is what you’ll automatically do.

Homeopathy may be the most suppressed alternative medicine. Conventional doctors don’t understand homeopathy, so they’re against it.

The traditional medical establishment fears the mainstreaming of alternative medical practices so much that groups of doctors and scientists in Britain, Germany and Australia have asked that universities not allow courses in alternative medicine to be offered.

Learning curve

I am not describing some new development in medicine. Here are the words of Thomas Morgan in a letter to the editor of the Youngstown Vindicator Jan. 27, 1911, in response to a local doctor advocating for the predecessor of what would become the FDA: “The allopathic school of doctors, since the dawn of it its existence, has at all times endeavored to suppress everything new that has come up in the medical line. They are opposed to homeopathy, the eclectic, osteopaths and all methods of drugless healing, including Christian scientists.”

I have learned over the years to inquire about whatever treatments establishment medicine opposes. Since we have a drug culture created by the pharmaceutical trust, we can be certain that any non-drug therapy will be vigorously opposed by the Food and Drug Administration and the police power behind it.

What’s lost in those mainstream objections: useful information about its effectiveness and safety.

I personally know of and have used a skin cancer cream very successfully. It was distributed by an individual who happened to have an herb formula that was perfect. Well, the FDA health police showed up at her door, asked for her stock and ordered her to cease her distribution of the product. Luckily, I had bought a few containers ahead of time that I gave to people who needed the cream.

Medical therapy

Maybe the most suppressed alternative medicine is homeopathy. A century ago, homeopathy constituted at least half the medical therapy in the United States. But it is non-drug, so it has been systematically suppressed. There is almost a complete ignorance of homeopathy in the United States. Really, it’s too simple to believe that it can work.

Most of you who are interested in alternative medicine at least know that the potency (potentization) of homeopathy preparations is inversely determined. This means that the more that solutions are diluted, the more potency of healing they have. I have a hard time understanding this myself.

Homeopathic practice is based on a single law of therapeutics called the Law of Similars. This law states that a substance that can cause the symptoms of a disease can also cure it.

In fact, that is exactly what the word homeopathy means, similar (homeo) suffering (pathy). There are many homeopathic principles used in allopathy, but conventional doctors are oblivious to them.

Homeopathic preparation

The process of preparing homeopathic therapies is puzzling to most medical people simply because they perceive the ultra-dilutions as non-substantive and really nonsense. They believe the ultra-dilutions are so dilute that they cannot possibly contain a single molecule of the original substance, but they are still potent therapeutically — in fact, very potent.

This says two things: One, there is no drug; and two, these preparations are safe. I have never read about anyone being harmed by homeopathic medicine.

I have one big thing going for me. I don’t let science or proof get in my way. If something works, nothing else matters to me. I don’t have to understand it or even believe it. I am not a good patient for conventional medicine.

The primary and fundamental philosophy of conventional allopathy medicine is harmful. It simply is a drug system of suppressing symptoms. What makes this system work is that it gives temporary relief by suppressing symptoms. Suppressive drugs must be taken again and again. Repeat business builds the drug culture.

Now, do you suppose that the people in the inner sanctums of the drug cartel know how their drugs create repeat business over and over?

For example, dilute hydrochloric acid (HCL) therapy is a nontoxic way of stimulation of individual immune resistance. Isn’t this most critical to health?

HCL becomes clinically effective in dilutions of 1:500. This reminds us of homeopathy where the dose is inverse, i.e., the more the dilution, the greater the medicinal value.

The high curative and simulative value of dilute HCL, which is just exactly what we have in our stomachs is what pharmaceuticals seek to destroy for money. How many millions have died because they became hooked on what they thought were harmless antacids?