Study proves most journalists are communists (but they’re fair)

Three college professors studying whether there is bias in media coverage have concluded that although the overwhelming majority of journalists fall on the political spectrum to the left of grumpy commie Bernie Sanders, their coverage is fair and shows no bias.

It didn’t take long for us to find problems in the study. The flaws make it fake news. You can read the study here.

The issue that jumped out at us first is that they set the midpoint for political ideology as the “Average Twitter User.”

As we showed above, Twitter is dominated by leftists. On the chart the researchers used, the median senate Republican is only slightly to the right of the midpoint. To the right of that is Senator Mitt Romney. Any study that claims Mittens is to the right of most senate Republicans is fake news.

Recall that Mittens voted for one of the two phony articles of impeachment. Not even faux conservatives Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Lamar Alexander voted for them. Mittens is a leftist phony conservative GOPe Northeastern liberal Republican Utah carpetbagger who supports gun control, government healthcare and abortion (or he did when he ran for governor of Massachusetts).

To the left of the chart’s midpoint falls Barack Obama. Slightly left of that is the found the median senate Democrat. To the left of that is Bernie Sanders, and way to the left of Sanders is the comely but economically ignorant socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). Most journalists fall on the chart between Sanders and AOC, according to the researchers.

Researchers determined that 78 percent of journalists consider themselves liberal and 22 percent consider themselves conservative.

But don’t worry. Despite the fact that they lean so far left they’d be more comfortable working for Pravda in the good old days of the Soviet Union, journalists cover the news fairly, the researchers determined.

How did they come to that conclusion? They sent an email to thousands of journalists offering a sit-down interview to a nonexistent political candidate. All the journalists got the same email except that for some of the journalists the fake candidate was a Republican and for some it was a Democrat. Because they got an equal number of responses to the Republican and Democrat candidate, researchers determined that meant there was no bias.

Researchers got only 1,511 responses to the 13,500 emails they sent out, but the responses showed no statistical difference between responses to the conservative and liberal phony candidate, they said. But all they determined is that Democrat and Republican journalists are equally disinterested in interviewing political candidates (many have nonpolitical beats, after all) or they are all equally lazy.

Now maybe the researchers should read some real news and see if their study holds up.

— Jay Baker