For Immediate Release

 Congressman Slim Shady

Sean Casten Raps About His Disdain for People Who Disagree with Him September 17, 2020 – 

The Daily Caller published a video of Congressman Sean Casten rapping on-stage in a bar about Republicans being “racists,” “deniers” and “looney.”

Watch the video here.

“This may be Sean Casten’s most cringe-worthy attempt to stoke hate and division yet,” said Kathleen Murphy, a spokesperson for Jeanne Ives’ Congressional campaign. “If all this video revealed was Casten’s limited rap ability, it would be funny but not important.  The video is important, however, because it shows the way Sean Casten and his supporters talk about those who disagree with him behind closed doors: ‘racists,’ ‘deniers,’ ‘looney.’   “It’s a problem. Among other comments, Sean Casten has called his Republican colleagues in the US House Nazi Sympathers; called Congressman Dan Crenshaw a ‘racist’ over a policy disagreement; characterized law-abiding gun owners as having ‘small genitals;’ told Michael Shellenberger, a well-known environmental expert with whom Casten has disagreements, that to question him would be ‘a waste of time.’ Do you see the pattern? If you disagree with Sean Casten, he thinks you are a lowlife, and has no problem saying so. This video confirms it. His supporters are emboldened by his dehumanizing characterizations, which is why they deface Jeanne Ives’ signs with the most misogynistic and degrading possible words. This isn’t how we come back together. But that is who Sean Casten is. We don’t believe this is who the Sixth District is. On November 3, we are confident voters will tell Congressman Slim Shady, ‘That’s a (w)rap.’” 
 ### For more information or to book Jeanne Ives contact Kathleen Murphy at or 630-329-4680.