This Is Key To Recovery ⚖️
#twill #tcot #sbalich #maga #leadright @danproft #liability #covid
We’ll never have a strong economic recovery if small businesses, schools, and doctors can be sued into the ground. That’s why Senate Republicans are pushing for a “liability shield” that would put an end to frivolous lawsuits related to the coronavirus. While that debate plays out, states are rightly taking the lead.

At least 12 states are moving forward with policies that protect employers and other institutions as they reopen. These policies ensure that companies, schools, and healthcare providers can make good-faith efforts to get the economy moving again. But trial lawyers want to be able sue them for failing to stop the coronavirus. If they get their way, more businesses will close, more people will get laid off, and the recovery will be slower. The whole country will suffer.

States should be praised for putting common-sense first. It’s happening from Utah to Ohio to Iowa to Georgia and many other places. It’s anyone’s guess whether Congress will do what’s right. But if Congress won’t act, then more states should.

→ Read more: It’s time for action on COVID liability (National Review)

→ Read more: Employers get major protections in GOP liability shield bill (Bloomberg)