Kamala Harris Pushes Marxism in Cartoon on Twitter

Where she claims “equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place” (Twitter).  From Dan Crenshaw: The false promise of the left, in 1 minute. Start out with a well-intentioned point on equality of opportunity, only to end it with the true Marxist intent: equity in outcomes. They leave out the part where equity must be enforced with unequal -and tyrannical- treatment (Twitter). From Inez Stepman: This is what’s being taught to every third grader in public school across the country (Twitter). From David Harsanyi: These are Marxists. They’re just taking the scenic route (Twitter). From Ben Shapiro: So she’s openly making the argument that inequality of outcome is in and of itself inequity. Which is called communism (Twitter). From Christina Sommers: Why release a bizarre video like this less than 48 hours before the election? Equality means everyone is the same? Really? What happened to equality of opportunity? And what about freedom? Where does that fit in? (Twitter). From Mark Hemingway: They don’t think it’s bizarre. And that’s the problem (Twitter).  From Erielle Davidson: Kamala tweets a communist video about enforcing equal outcomes, and Joe is tweeting about gun-grabbing. This is all fine (Twitter).