Miss Constitution Analyzes. . . Day 7 of our Presidential Election Crisis


What appears to be a domestic matter with high emotional partisanship is actually an intentionally created state of affairs launched by China.

  • To make sure President Trump was not re-elected, China unleashed what it knew to be a devastating virus on our country
  • The virus was handled as a health issue not a national security issue and therefore left to each State to deal with
  • The virus’s continued toll created the unprecedented call for mail-in voting that is easily subject to fraud

Presidential elections are handled through each State along with statewide and Congressional seats and the law that governs them is by State statute through State legislatures

  • Poll watchers of both parties actually sit with the person opening a paper ballot to make sure that the envelope has the proper postmark and that the signature corresponds to a registered voter in that State; if objections are found the ballot is set aside for further review; the envelopes must be retained for audit
  • A legal vote is by someone eligible to vote who validates his or her eligibility in his or her legal residency
  • If computers are used and software problems are found that alter votes, votes must be then be counted and validated by hand; all machines using the same software would be producing invalid results and hand counts would be required in whatever State is using that software

Because of numerous irregularities in both the process of validating legal votes and eliminating illegal votes an AUDIT should be requested. Not a recount, but an AUDIT. This will take a couple of months to do. No winner call should be made until the audit is complete but organizing for transition may be started in case a new President is legally elected. The battle is not between citizens of America but between our country and China. Not letting China destroy our Republic by destroying our election system should be the focus of everyone.