Miss Constitution Analyzes. . . Day 9 of our Presidential Election Crisis

China Has Declared Cold War

Miss Constitution has been sounding the alarm relative the Presidential election (please go to www.missconstitution.com for more) on two fronts.

  • Front #1

COVID-19 was deliberately unleashed by the Chinese Communist Party, in Miss Constitution’s opinion, to alter our election processes and was aided and abetted by the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization functions as an arm of Chinese policy. Miss Constitution thinks they both should be seen as partners in the attack on our country that amounts to a declaration of cold war. The virus did, indeed, have an effect on our Presidential election in the form of mail-in balloting, leaving that balloting open to fraud and manipulation. The purpose of the attack was to remove President Trump who has been the first President since 1973 to embrace policies that contain the ambitions of a country who has declared America her enemy. Any Chinese involvement in computer systems used by states for election computation needs to be investigated.

  • Front #2

The United States Constitution only works if a FREE PRESS operates as the public’s eyes and ears. That is why the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government or state governments from censoring the press. If the press does not function, however, or colludes rather than investigates, the public has little access to the information it needs to make good decisions about who represents them. The American press has ceased to function properly. Factual information is hard to find. Intelligent analysis is hard to find. The internet is full of YouTubes and other sites meant to persuade or denigrate, and one is forced to sort through for oneself. Miss Constitution can only recommend one journalist and that is Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal. Miss Strassel is an editorial writer, however, and not an investigative reporter. I am sure there are others, but her analysis is reliably intellectual and clear-eyed. At the turn of the 20th century America’s Muckrakers, such as Ida Tarbell, of McClure’s Magazine, were top-notch investigative reporters and exposed corruption in government thoroughly and reliably. Miss Constitution has no recommendation for this important journalistic work, but we are in desperate need of the finest. All the network media are compromised as are Google, Facebook, and Twitter. What needs investigation immediately is what computer programs were used in vote tabulations and any irregularities in function or algorithm that would steer voting selection in opposition to the desire of the voter.

The Department of Justice is opening an investigation of “substantial voting irregularities.” Miss Constitution hopes they will concentrate not on the voters that rise from the grave, etc., but on the ways that could have been operational to harvest large numbers of votes in key places. If substantial voting irregularities are found, the Constitution provides the “cure” and the steps that need to be taken to assure the public that a fair Presidential election was held. It is true that if a fair election was held, the results should be accepted within the boundaries of Unwritten Law (courtesy and comity). The citizens of the United States have the right to choose to discard the Constitution and institute a new form of government. Miss Constitution hopes they will see the value of this extraordinary Founding document that has governed us so well. Unfortunately, many seem to wish to abandon it. Should the voters legally choose Socialism, the United States Constitution with its private sector economy will not be working governance for our country. If the citizens do not take the Chinese threat seriously and act accordingly, it will not  matter. For more Miss Constitution analysis go to www.missconstitution.com.