Miss Constitution Analyzes. . . Day 10 of our Presidential Election Crisis

China Has Declared Cold War

Miss Constitution would have you consider our current crisis as two straight railroad tracks that normally do not intersect. At some point the tracks become curved and join at a particular spot. The first straight track carries the following facts:

  • China has declared herself an enemy of the United States and wants to replace the United States as the world’s greatest economy and superpower
  • China’s allies are Iran, Russia, and North Korea; she intends to destroy Taiwan as the remaining opposition to her consolidation of power
  • Due to policies enacted by administrations both Republican and Democrat, China has been able to pull America’s manufacturing capability to herself and undersell American goods. America’s middle class has been decimated. Crucial pharmaceutical and other goods critical to American survival are now controlled by an enemy of America
  • China has infiltrated our university system with cash and scientific research students who send important research back to China. She has manipulated her currency when necessary and has made the relinquishment of intellectual property by American companies the cost of doing business there. Her real estate and even food processing holdings in America are considerable and growing
  • Her plans in America and elsewhere were disrupted when Donald Trump unexpectedly won the Presidency

The second and parallel track carries the following facts:

  • Some voters and some Republican politicians have a mental blindness. It is called Trump Derangement Syndrome. The 1937 Radio Research Project, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, found out that media manipulation can create a psychological state whereby one is “socially controlled.” This is not the same thing as differences of opinion regarding public policy or political party. This condition prevents the one afflicted from reasoning and creates an elevated feeling of hate. Germans were exposed to this in the 1930s with devastating results
  • After the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States a super-computer and program was developed called Hammer and Scorecard and were originally used to track terrorists and to monitor votes in foreign elections. President Obama directed or knew this system was used to illegally surveil American citizens. (See the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution). It might have been used in the election of 2012 to change actual votes. The developer of Hammer and Scorecard collected data on possible misuse and turned it over to the FBI. Nothing was done. Intelligence appointees John Brennan and James Clapper moved the computers to Ft. Washington in Maryland and the stockpile of illegal surveillance of American citizens, including the Bidens, is housed there
  • The unexpected victory of Donald Trump and his appointment of General Michael Flynn as Director of National Intelligence meant that this weaponization would be discovered. A total plan of attack on the President’s legitimacy was unleashed. Leaders of agencies of the federal government used foreign intelligence tools and a compliant FISA Court to surveil a political campaign and then when Trump won, launched criminal investigations and other harassment measures to create the appearance of a President who was treasonous and evil. Anarchy is the streets under the guise of protest was planned and directed. A decision was made to use Hammer and Scorecard to affect the 2020 campaign.  It was thought unnecessary in 2016. President Trump’s policies, both domestic and foreign, have been so successful that to stop his re-election an event would have to be unleashed that made his defeat plausible

We have now reached the curved tracks and they are coming together.

The event that was unleashed is COVID – 19.

Some of this information comes from Air Force General Thomas McInerney, a career Air Force general who has held important commands all over the world.