Miss Constitution Analyzes. . . Day 18 of our Presidential Election Crisis

Waiting for the Facts. . . COVID-19 Breakthroughs. . . China’s Position on the Transition. . . the Secret We Must Not Lose

Miss Constitution is awaiting answers to questions she has asked about the computers used in our Presidential election purchased and monitored by each State. We need “yes” or “no” answers to the following questions:

  • What computer hardware and software systems were used in the 2020 Presidential election by each State, and was any hardware located outside the United States?
  • Was any software used able to be manipulated or was in fact manipulated and or patched during the tabulation of votes in the Presidential election?
  • Was any information from the election computers on the open internet?

If the answer is “yes” to any of the above questions further questions come to mind until all pertinent information is available to the American people. Miss Constitution must sadly inform you that there is no national media outlet that has an interest in these questions and no hefty investigative reporting occurring that she is aware of. CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CBS are all hysterical and now Fox News has joined them. Miss Constitution monitors these things for a few verifiable facts but thinks that most of the media is the equivalent of an incurious stone wall. Fox commentator Tucker Carlson refuses to discuss the above questions. Hannity cannot put a sentence together but nevertheless cannot stop talking. Laura Ingraham wants to move on and allowed Marc Thiessen of the Washington Post to suggest a preposterous 8-point plan for a future Presidential run by Donald Trump. No credible journalist has an interest in this election at this time and what actually happened on November 3. Miss Constitution notices Maria Bartiromo from Fox Business is at least attempting to interview the right people but does not have an investigative staff. Kimberly Strassel from the Wall Street Journal is an excellent journalist but is not an investigative reporter. We must wait for answers or acknowledge that the answers have been buried. Two Republican House members have asked for hearings, but Democrats control the House and are Chairs of the appropriate committees.

On a positive note, American capitalism and its private sector innovations has produced two home tests for the virus one of which just received FDA approval. Lucira Health Kit has been granted and license and when manufactured will be available by prescription. A physician, Jonathan Rothberg, has created a simple home test called Detect that is awaiting FDA go ahead. These are inexpensive tests that should assist us in coping with the virus. These breakthroughs plus the vaccines that may be approved for emergency use are stunning testimonies to the American system and our brilliant scientists sometimes in partnership with the federal government. State leadership on the virus is often beyond comprehension and the damage done to our children in States with lockdowns and school closures, incalculable. The New York Times is even critical of school closures and has stated that, “Some things are true even though President Trump says them.” An insult, of course, but acknowledgement that many Mayors and Governors have no idea what they are doing and do not apparently care. China’s unleashing of the virus with the intention of a large impact on the United States has come true. Her statement in the Communist Party paper about President Trump’s “final act of madness” tells us the President has been effective in putting guardrails around a declared enemy of the United States. If these guardrails are removed or if the Chinese Communist Party is able to obtain the information it needs by whatever method or methods regarding semiconductor development, we will be at great risk in Miss Constitution’s opinion. There could be a COVID-20 and much more.

Miss Constitution wishes to remind all that the Liberties we take for granted in America are not available elsewhere in the world. The relatively simple rules that the Founders put in place, if followed, create “ordered” Liberty. These rules, known as Positive Law, along with Moral, Natural (God-given), and Unwritten (courtesy) Law, form the Rule of Law we live by. All of us have a duty to preserve, protect, and defend it. The Mayflower Compact, 1620, established the notion of “consent of the governed.” Should the eligible and registered voters of this nation wish to alter their form of government and abandon the Constitution of the United States they have the power to do so. Miss Constitution would like to know, if this is their Will, that the decision is an honest one honestly carried out. If it is, Miss Constitution calls on everyone to honor that decision. That we would abandon the greatest governance structure ever devised would be a puzzling decision, but it is in the hands of a hoped-for knowledgeable and virtuous citizenry. It appears a large number of Americans are ready to make the change.
