Miss Constitution Analyzes. . . Day 31 of the Presidential Election Crisis

James Madison. . . Video Evidence. . . Supreme Court

“The latent causes of faction are sown in the nature of man. . . a zeal for different opinions of Government. . . have divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other, that to cooperate for their common good. . . So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts.” James Madison, Federalist #10

Miss Constitution thinks our passions have been kindled and our animosities have risen to violence that will only worsen if the Presidential election of 2020 is not handled properly. The President gave a speech yesterday outlining his concerns about the validity of the election and was called a liar by an ABC commentator. Mike Barnicle of MSNBC said on-air that Republicans should haul the President out of the White House and invoke the 25th Amendment as he is “mentally ill.”

Twenty-five sheriffs showed up at a bar in Staten Island to arrest and jail a small business owner trying to make a living. Thousands of protestors showed up to complain of governmental overreach and tyranny. One block away the bars are open for business. Big-city political machines in key states block credentialed poll watchers and lock them out of facilities they have a duty to be in. Groups of partisans scream, mock, push, silence, insult, harass, jeer and then throw out poll watchers who are supposed to make sure that legal ballots are counted, and illegal ballots are set aside. New video shows political machine workers apparently closing for the night secretly hauling suitcases of ballots out from under a table and scanning thousands of votes into the voting machines. None of this is supposed to occur without poll watchers present.

A court hearing in Nevada has so many direct witnesses to fraud that all could not testify. Engineers and statisticians testify as expert witnesses to the mathematical impossibility of some of the vote counts. So much evidence is being presented in several states that the record is not going to be able to be ignored. These witnesses are under oath. The have been challenged and deposed by attorneys for Joe Biden. This pattern, with different facts and stories, is going on in five or six states at the same time. No media blackout or accusations of mental illness is going to be able to dampen what is becoming obvious. The fraud in some cities that we have come to expect; the mistakes of poll workers overwhelmed by numbers; the new rules and voting machines put in place at the last minute in many states; the virus unleashed on our country by China; the certain number of dishonest elected officials we know exist – none of these things that alone would be enough to question the election, together are amounting to a mountain so high it cannot be ignored.

Miss Constitution thinks no answer in the Constitution itself will satisfy the factions in our society and prevent all-out civil war. We have already experienced a Presidency that was not accepted. A peaceful transfer of power did not occur in 2016. The public has not even been shown the definitive report on what actually occurred. She thinks the delay in issuing the report arises from what the report will say and how shocked the nation will be with the truth regarding that election. She has no proof of this but an inability to produce a report or at least a partial report after four years is inexcusable. It must be devastating. The Constitution of the United States puts the burden of a contested Presidential election on state legislatures and ultimately on the House of Representatives to cure. In this climate, Miss Constitution does not think the public will accept the outcome peacefully. A way must be devised that has a chance of being accepted by a majority of Americans though their trust in our basic institutions has been deeply scarred. She thinks that the Attorney General or someone of equal stature must plead to the Supreme Court of the United States to become a Court of Equity and create a solution that seems fair to the ardent Biden voter as well as the ardent Trump voter. Miss Constitution thinks a one-day special election providing both absentee and in-person voting under the direction of the Supreme Court through United States marshals is one possible solution. The outcome of this special election might have a chance of being accepted if monitored and tabulated honestly. The world is indeed watching. The Supreme Court would have to do something it does not want to do but might have to do for the continuance of the Republic.

Henry II ruled England from 1154-1189 AD and is considered one of its savviest Kings. Henry laid the basis for English Common Law which we adopted as part of our Common Law at our country’s founding. “England is turning into a disaster zone.”  Becket, 1964. So is America. As a Court of Equity perhaps the Justices could wear a “sprig of broom” as did Henry II.