

Anthony D. Granata 

Republican Committeeman, Frankfort 15



Republican Committeeman Demands Counterpart Resign Over False Personal Attacks

FRANKFORT, Il. (February 3, 2021) — Anthony Granata, a political consultant from Frankfort and a Republican Committeeman in Frankfort Township precinct 15, is demanding his Democratic counterpart, Megan Mata, resign after making personal attacks claiming he “eats babies” and “worships satan.” 

Mata, an elected Democratic Committeeman for Frankfort Township precinct 15, made the claims on Granata’s social media page. In one post, she writes, “I saw you eating christian babies and chanting satanic rituals in your yard last night Tony.”

Granata says that when he publicly posted screenshots of Mata’s comments to his Facebook page and reached out for a response from both the Frankfort Township Democrats (FTDO) and the Will County Democratic Party, he was met with threats of legal action taken against him by the FTDO.

The FTDO responded in a comment on Granata’s post, “We have already taken the appropriate steps for us to know what is illegal and what is not. The Will County Sheriff has been notified. We suggest taking this down.” In another comment, the FTDO states, “we will continue with litigation.”

Granata says he believes this behavior is beneath elected party leaders, and is demanding Mata resign.