Before we get entangled in the doublespeak of the Internal Revenue Service Code you will have to deal with in the coming months, before the new tax deadline of May 17th, we need to consider that the whole Orwellian nightmare is a sham imposed by the police power of the State on a gullible people.

The income tax has a dual purpose and neither is for revenue to the federal government.

1) The first reason is to control and redistribute the volume of money.

James A. Garfield, the 20th President of the United States said, “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” When your money is either pre-confiscated by the government (so it can earn interest by keeping your money) or paid into the Treasury’s coffers, that money is disappeared from the system in order to reduce the supply of money and keep the fiat system afloat.

2) The second reason for the income tax system is to keep a dossier on all citizens.

The tax return is your personal profile.

So-called income taxes, as defined and used by the Socialist State, leads the people into a swamp of confusion as it is designed to do. Socialism attracts corruption and corruption attracts Socialism.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” wrote Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program. That is a central tenet in the communist system and apparently a belief held strongly by Comrade Biden and Obama Administration 2.0.

Such a thought is anathema to the beliefs of the Founding Fathers.

“A just security to property is not afforded by that government under which unequal taxes oppress one species of property and reward another species,” wrote James Madison, the father of the Constitution.

Income tax systems go hand in hand with fiat paper money systems. The money creators cannot create wealth but they can transfer wealth with depreciating (inflating) paper money.

Governments make war on their own citizens by depreciating the currency. As the currency is depreciated (inflated) the people are impoverished. There is no way to protect financial assets with a fiat paper money system except as paper money is converted to gold and silver.

Depreciating paper money is not a store of wealth. Hard assets are. Savvy investors buy assets that appreciate in value. Yes, stocks can increase in price, but they are not a store of value. Neither is cash. One can bury paper money and the money creators and tax collectors do not know where it is. Yet the State can steal the purchasing power of paper money by creating more paper money and diluting the buried paper money.

The transfer of wealth from the producers and savers to the government is a simple process of increasing the quantity of money.

This fact eliminates the need for income taxes as a vehicle for government revenue. We quote from a speech by Beardsley Ruml, chairman of the New York Federal Reserve from 1941 to 1946, to dispel the widely believed myth that income taxes are needed for government income. Income taxes have nothing to do with providing income to the government.

In a famous paper he read before the American Bar Association during the last year of World War II and titled, “Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete,” Ruml said, “The necessity for a government to tax in order to maintain both its independence and its solvency is true for state and local governments, but it is not true for a national government.”

The speech was originally printed in American Affairs in the January, 1946 issue. The editor of American Affairs wrote: “His (Ruml’s) thesis is that given (1) control of a central banking system and (2) an inconvertible currency, a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue. All taxation, therefore, should be regarded from the point of view of social and economic consequences.”

This is very valuable information to reveal the fraud of income taxes as Americans understand it.

The progressive tax system we now live under thanks to the 16th Amendment — which evidence shows was probably not properly ratified — does not provide Americans with “A just security to property.”

For liberty’s sake, the entire tax system needs to be replaced. But in the meantime, no matter how much money you have, the fiat money system under which we live will leave you dead broke in a few years without intelligent action beginning now.

Governments steal and confiscate paper wealth by printing money. The more they print, the greedier they become for your paper assets. The people never seem to understand this, and even if they see it, they can’t come to action. Time paralyzes them until they wake up one day in poverty.

So now is the time to begin preparing. Just remember the economic and social situation will have a doomsday aura and you will have to have the courage to invest in hard assets in time.

Important to withdraw wisely

No matter what hard asset you choose to buy and invest in, getting your money out of banks now in order to purchase those assets before your money loses even more of its value is crucial. But you can’t just go into the bank and ask the teller to box up your savings and let you walk out the door. At least, you can’t if you want to escape government scrutiny and surveillance.

Take the advice of Mark Nestmann, president of The Nestmann Group, Ltd., an international consultancy that assists individuals in achieving their wealth preservation goals. He is also Tax and Asset Protection editor for The Sovereign Society and author of The Lifeboat Strategy: Legally Protecting Wealth and Privacy in the 21st Century. He explains, “Remember this — the highest duty of a bank or any financial professional is to the government, not to the customer. If the bank thinks you’re a criminal, it must tell the government of its suspicions via a ‘Suspicious Activities Report.’ Therefore, you need to make sure the bank doesn’t think you’re a criminal.”

Nestmann goes on to explain how to safely retrieve your savings: “You should make an appointment with an officer to withdraw the cash,” he says. “Don’t deal with a teller. Tell the officer the bank can complete any ‘paperwork’ necessary to process the withdrawal. This avoids the bank filing a Suspicious Activities Report and possible confiscation of the cash, along with your arrest for money laundering. The officer will ask you why you want cash. Gently but firmly, say, ‘It’s my money, and I’d like it in cash, please.'”

Nestmann also stresses that you should insist on receiving new bills since old bills are contaminated with drug residues and therefore are subject to confiscation. He goes on to warn, “A Currency Transaction Report is filed by the bank if you withdraw more than $10,000 in one or more ‘related transactions.’ Don’t try to divide the withdrawals up; e.g., a $7,000 withdrawal this week and a $3,000 withdrawal next week. This is ‘structuring,’ and will result in a Suspicious Activities Report and possible confiscation of the cash, along with your arrest for money laundering.”

Written by Bob Livingston