It is now becoming understood that a central and fundamental cause of the cancer epidemic in the United States is estrogen dominance in the human system.

This is caused by widespread synthetic estrogen therapy on women as well as saturation of food and fiber with xenoestrogens, (pronounced “zeno estrogens”); i.e., bad synthetic estrogens in all kinds of household and commercial chemicals.

Estrogen dominance applies to all ages both female and male as well as all children. This is a great source to feed the cancer industry. Who is telling this story to the American people?

Even though most seniors are no longer involved in synthetic estrogen therapy (although I have found out that many are), just the estrogen dominance caused by general and widespread pollution by commercial chemicals has come to be very high risk by itself.

Our bodies are being inundated with xenoestrogens making their way into our bodies pretending to be biological estrogen. They are found in our soil, water, air, food supply, and personal and household products, all of which reach us with government approval or government sanction.

Xenoestrogens are substances like BPA, phthalates, parabens, zeranol, insecticides, pesticides, and even the formerly most widely used herbicide in the U.S., atrazine.

Even though BPA (bisphenol-a) is supposedly being voluntarily removed from many plastic items, its bisphenol cousins that have the same effects are still used.

Why is that an issue?

The Endocrine Society wrote that the results of ongoing laboratory research gave grounds for concern about the potential hazards of endocrine-disrupting chemicals — including BPA — in the environment and that on the basis of the precautionary principle these substances should continue to be assessed and tightly regulated. A scientific review of the literature said that the potential harms caused by BPA were a topic of scientific debate and that further investigation was a priority because of the association between BPA exposure and adverse human health effects including reproductive and developmental effects and metabolic disease.

In July 2019, the European Union upheld a decision by the European Chemicals Agency to list BPA as a substance of very high concern, the first step in the procedure for restrictions of its use.

Along with physical changes, xenoestrogens create radical emotional changes as well. Do we need “therapy” or do we need nutrition and a purge of synthetic estrogen? It’s a double negative to lose testosterone (both men and women!) and gain estrogen. Estrogen mimicking chemicals begin to show in unnatural weight gain, lethargy, and… yes, depression.

Fortunately, both science and industry can help in this case. Science has identified nutrients that allow the body to release fake estrogenic molecules, and industry has harnessed safe, healing rays within the light spectrum and separated them out from the damaging rays to help detoxify and heal you.

We begin with a cleansing of the system. A gentle, yet effective detoxification and chelation formula, like Peak Chelation+Resveratrol gives you a combination of EDTA, malic acid, betaine and resveratrol for healthy cells and toxicant elimination.

Next, try out an infrared sauna. Unlike steam saunas, far infrared radiation is able to penetrate the body well beneath the skin surface, wherein it positively affects metabolism, mitochondria and cell membranes. Interestingly, FIR triggers relaxation while increasing heart rate and sweating.

When you use a FIR heating pad or sauna, it raises your metabolism so you feel and sweat as if you have worked out, yet you have been relaxing. This counter-intuitive process has many positive changes, including sweating, wherein stored toxins are easily released.

Written by Bob Livingston