The Dialogue:
South Sider Devin Jones on the challenges Chicagoans face

“Critical Race Theory? That’s for white people in the suburbs. It’s not an issue in the city when 70 percent or more of our kids can’t read at grade level when graduating from high school…they can’t even read the CRT book!”

That’s what Devin Jones, a life-long Chicago resident on the South Side of Chicago, told Ted Dabrowski and Mark Glennon
 on last week’s episode of Wirepoints’ podcast: 

Devin, Mark and Ted talked about how families on the South Side are focused on the same issues as all Illinoisans: high property taxes, the poor education system and public safety, why school choice is best way for Chicagoans to improve student achievement, why residents want better police, not less police, and why South Siders are far more politically savvy than Illinois’ political elite think they are.

Wirepoints Podcast Episode 3 – Critical Race Theory now drives everything in Chicago-area government

Ted Dabrowski
President, Wirepoints