From the Homer Township Republican Organization

We would like to make you aware that on November 21, 2022, this coming Monday, the Lockport Township High School Board plans on approving a TAX LEVY INCREASE of 6.04%.  This increase will result in an additional $3,266,964.00 out of the taxpayers pockets.  As of June 30, 2022 District 205 had a surplus of $56,659,311.00 on hand which is right around 90%  of their yearly expenditures and they are still asking for more(please see the attached documents for reference).  Members, we are in the midst of a recession, we are seeing inflation like never before and our energy costs have doubled, is this the time to reach even deeper into the taxpayers’ pockets?  Please note that 75% of your property tax bill goes to the schools.

We ask that if you want to keep your taxes from continually going up that you attend the Lockport Township High School Board meeting on 11/21/2022 at 7 p.m. at the East Campus to voice your concerns.

Remember the Board Members that have no regard for Families by continually voting to take more of your hard-earned money in the form of taxes. These same Board members are allowing 5G cell Towers with no regard for the safety of our children. VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!