Rolo Tomacy


Life, legacy, meaning, and purpose.

What I do now… will it have meaning? Purpose? What will be remembered of me when I’m gone? Will I live on in fond memory? Does it even matter?

The living body consists of chemical electrical energy; this energy is called (by many) the soul, or consciousness. Since energy cannot be destroyed, the answer is yes, you DO live on. Your energy will live on, and become part of a higher plain of energy where all the knowledge of every soul resides. If you’ve ever had a flash of brilliance, or a moment of clarity, or a great idea, you are momentarily tapping into this energy. In a sense, you live on through the thoughts of others.

As to the question of life and legacy… all life has meaning; therefore, since death is part of life, death also has meaning in the form of your legacy. The question of meaning here, is more a question of purpose.

It is encoded in our DNA that life is meaningless without purpose. It is the irony of life that suffering, more often than not, gives us purpose. What is the purpose of suffering? If you stare into the darkness of evil long enough, you will eventually see the light of God. Those who have suffered, and have seen the darkness, are more likley the people chosen to help others; these are the people who find purpose, and therefore meaning in life. And when they do the hard work to fulfill that purpose, it is there that they find true happiness.

I slept and dreamt and saw that life was joy.

I woke and saw that life was duty.

I worked and behold, duty was joy. (Rabindranath Tagore)

As the election draws near, you might find from time to time it is difficult to be happy; but when you work towards a moral purpose, happiness and meaning will follow.

You, who have chosen to run for schoolboards, library boards, or any kind of local office, because you saw the evil that is lurking at the door, will find that suffering is easy to come by in the form of personal attacks. Know this… You are chosen for a higher purpose. In that purpose, you will find meaning. And when you fulfill your duty, and see it through to the end, it is there that you will find ultimate joy. And yes, it does matter