MRC’s Bozell Warns Soros Is Using Fake News Issue to Censor Conservatives; ‘It’s Serious’ By NB Staff | December 19, 2016 | 4:35 PM EST On the Monday edition of the Fox Business Network’s Intelligence Report, Media Research Center president Brent...
A False Exchange of Liberty for Comfort, Borne of a Universal Blinding Fear                        Published on December 21, 2016 Scott Cahill   Many things have changed over my long lifetime. I was...
Affirmative action for ex–cons Posted on December 19, 2016 by Special To Personal LibertyViews: 537 9 Shares The left has a big problem with private property. It hates property owners almost as much as it hates orthodox Christians. Owning a car or...
Tomi Lahren: ‘Intolerant Left’ Will Not Allow Any Celebrities to Hobnob With Trump (Video) Dec 21, 2016 by William Smith Amid reports that President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration committee is having trouble booking entertainment for the January 20th event, with some rumors...
THE PERSECUTION AND SHOW TRIAL OF REPRESENTATIVE MELANIE STAMBAUGH DECEMBER 15, 2016 GLEN MORGAN 9 COMMENTS On Tuesday, December 13 – for the first time in 22 years the Washington State Legislative Ethics Board convened their full board to put on...
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House Posted on December 17, 2016 by Daniel Greenfield Barack Obama has two faces. After Trump’s victory and Hillary’s defeat, the public Obama has been gracious and diplomatic. His lectures to Trump, directly...
News Release Homer CCSD 33C Goodings Grove   Luther J. Schilling   William E. Young   William J. Butler Hadley Middle   Homer Jr. High   Contact: Charla Brautigam, Communications/Public Relations Manager | 708-226-7628 Students in Gail Mickelson's social studies classes at Hadley Middle School marked the 243rd anniversary...
GOV. RAUNER USES SOCIAL MEDIA TO PUSH REFORM MESSAGE This week, Gov. Rauner used Facebook live to take his reform message directly to the people, outlining his plan to bring back Illinois through term limits, a property tax freeze, and reforms...
Reports of GOP elector defections greatly exaggerated? POSTED AT 12:01 PM ON DECEMBER 14, 2016 BY ED MORRISSEY Will the Electoral College throw the presidential election into chaos … or is this just another post-election fantasy for the Left? Lawrence Lessig...
Posted on December 13, 2016 by Brandon Smith What is the real purpose behind the ‘fake news’ attack? Here is the first problem with modern political discourse — too many people want to “win” arguments instead of getting to the greater...