Posted on October 31, 2016 by Paul Craig Roberts What is at stake in the election Here are the presstitutes who control American’s minds. (Read the list.) I just heard an NPR presstitute declare that Texas, a traditional sure-thing for Republicans, was...
Name: Stephen J. Balich Age: Not provided Town: Orland Park (mailing address) Occupation: N/A Affiliation: Republican Elected Political Experience: December 2012-present Will County Board Member, District 7; previously served as Homer Township Trustee Why are you running for a seat in the 7th District? My name is... These are unbelievable except in Chicago where Hilary is from. Madigan controls Illinois with an iron fist. Clintons want to control the U.S in a similar manner.
Another reason to carry concealed: Violent flash mobs target innocents in Philly Posted on October 25, 2016 by Sam RolleyViews: 50 1 Shares In recent years, Americans have witnessed an uptick in random acts of violence carried out by urban youths spurred...
Illinois Policy 10/27/2016 Gov. Bruce Rauner has ordered executive agencies to review all their regulations for necessity, clarity and statutory authority and to mark for repeal or revision rules that don’t meet those criteria. Small businesses and would-be entrepreneurs have a...
The dark agenda behind globalism and open borders Posted on October 25, 2016 by Brandon SmithViews: 578 272 Shares When people unfamiliar with the liberty movement stumble onto the undeniable fact of the “conspiracy” of globalism they tend to look for easy...
Hillary Clinton said the Clinton Foundation gives “90% of their proceeds” to charitable organizations. This is their “Form 990” required by the IRS for all charities. In 2013 they had total revenue of $148,889,439 (Line 12). Their TOTAL Grants...
Posted on October 24, 2016 by Sam Rolley Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts From stories of German citizens fleeing their country because of growing migrant populations to reports in the U.K. revealing that the definition of “child refugee”...
Obama Cuts 2.6 Billion From Veterans While Allocating 4.5 Billion To Syrian Migrants Moving To America POLITICS April 15, 2016  ETF News   US World Report Veteran Affairs is one of the most mismanaged government program in the United States. Veterans cannot make appointments,...
Posted on October 24, 2016 by The Abbeville Review Jeffersonian conservatism   This was originally published on The Abbeville Blog on October 18, 2016. What is true conservatism? That question, more than anything else, is the argument raging in the Republican Party today...