Steve Balich editors Note: The Constitutional Rights of the Children are under attack. Children forced to learn this stuff which they don't really understand can't speak out...
There is 3.5 million more registered voters in the U.S. than people.
For Immediate Release Ives Response to the Anarchy in Seattle “ I was stationed in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down. I understand what societal transformation...
Jarrett Stepman / @JarrettStepman /  The 2019 Socialism Conference, which had the tag line “No Borders, No Bosses, No Binaries,” contained a cross-section of the most pertinent hard-left...
Home#climate change  California’s Disastrous State Illustrates Limits of Progressivism #climate change#liberalSocialism By Steve Balich -November 3, 201901
@realdonaldtrump @markmeadows @danproft #twill #tcot #sbalich Kay C. James / @KayColesJames  Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla.,... Trustees Gray, Backal, Caprio, Rodgers, Sweas voted to take a swipe against people who support the 2nd Amendment by voting yes to a proclamation against gun...