From Illinois Policy  By John Tillman Illinois has been without a state budget for almost two years. I talk every week with state lawmakers, and many of them feel worn down. Unfortunately, many no longer care what’s in the budget....
School Makes SICK Request of Girl Sexually Assaulted by Muslim Immigrant By  RRJ Article fro CP Why are we so afraid of offending Muslim immigrants that we will let them get away with the most heinous crimes, including the abuse of our...
Where is the outrage when Democrats lie and do unethical things? Lies and rumors are what seems to be an everyday occurrence creating a narrative that suggests Trump and all his supporters are bad and must be removed. Check...
Obama’s Organizing for Action Partners with Soros-Linked ‘Indivisible’ to Disrupt Trump’s Agenda AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais by AARON KLEIN19 Feb 2017509  From Breitbart News Organizing for Action, the activist group that morphed from Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, has partnered with the newly-formed Indivisible Project...
President Trump has been provided the evidence of a paper trail leading to a FISA court that substantiates his assertions that Obama, obtained authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign under the pretense of a national security investigation This is...
Hillary Was Tipped Off On Trump Wiretap – Tweeted About it One Week Prior to Election Cristina Laila Mar 5th, 2017 3:57 pm 166 Comments TGP reported earlier that the first FISA request came right after AG Loretta Lynch met with...
March 5th http:// What We Know About the Obama Administration Wiretapping – Update By S. Noble - March 4, 2017 The first video is an important update to the article and for that reason, we are putting it up front. The White House and the FBI...
The National-Security Right Goes Silent by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY June 15, 2013 4:00 AM @ANDREWCMCCARTHY On the NSA, the dog will not bark. The jihad rages on, but the War on Terror is over. There is no longer a national-security consensus...
America to Democrats: Stop whining and find ways to work with Trump Posted on February 28, 2017 by Sam RolleyViews: 991 76 Shares Congressional Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump relentlessly since his inauguration and vowed to work against his administration at...