#twill #tcot #leadright #sbalich @realdonaldtrump @ingrahamangle @tomilahren @danproft @dbongino @markmeadows #protest #riots
Mike FriciloneDemocrat Socialist NewmanPro-LifePro- AbortionKeep your Medical insuranceMedicare for allSupport of Rule of Law and PoliceDefund the Police Finish the wall then address immigration lawOpen BordersPro Second AmendmentGun Restrictions and eventual elimination Pro...
Listen to logic, reason, & common sense about defunding the police.
Remove the police and nothing stands between the citizen and the criminal. Democrats pushing this absurd idea...
#twill #tcot #maga #gastax #taxes #willcounty @danproft @morninganswer @johnyspeaks @eyesrightopen
If voters elect him as...
This article is written by Steve Balich
Defunding the police is saying cut the numbers of police. This is asking to fund the increase of crime or should I say breaking the law...
By Monica Showalter
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is taking tons of flak, even from members of his own party, for telling free-spending blue city and state governments, which were already...
How did the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, mismanage the spread of COVID-19 and fail to put measures in place to slow the spread of the virus? Newt’s guest is former New...
Neitzke Troike is the Village of Homer Glen Clerk. She came up with some very good ideas to help the citizens of the Village and the...
Trustees Gray, Backal, Caprio, Rodgers, Sweas voted to take a swipe against people who support the 2nd Amendment by voting yes to a proclamation against gun...
LAW Elections Fraud cheating chaos
Pennsylvania Governor’s 11th-Hour Ballot Deadline with no Discussion Change Spurs Election Chaos
Tom Spencer /