The Illinois Senate’s “grand bargain” threatens Illinoisans with billions in tax hikes because it does virtually nothing to reform how government spends taxpayer money.
But there is a lot to reform, especially in public-sector contracts and the perks they contain.
Constitutional concealed carry bills introduced
Posted on March 10, 2017 by Sam RolleyViews: 972
Bills introduced in both the House and the Senate would clear up confusion about American citizens’ legal right to carry a concealed firearm throughout the U.S.
GOP establishment targets conservatives
Posted on March 9, 2017 by Sam RolleyViews: 789
As Republicans remain divided over the best plan for replacing Obamacare, the GOP establishment is signaling a willingness to go on the attack against conservatives.
The American Action...
WikiLeaks: The CIA Can Covertly Activate Your Mobile Device’s Microphone, Bypass Encryption Apps by ALLUM BOKHARI7 Mar 2017
Article from Breithbart
WikiLeaks’ “Vault 7” dump of information on the CIA’s hacking unit has revealed that the agency has the ability to...
From Illinois Policy By John Tillman
Illinois has been without a state budget for almost two years. I talk every week with state lawmakers, and many of them feel worn down. Unfortunately, many no longer care what’s in the budget....
School Makes SICK Request of Girl Sexually Assaulted by Muslim Immigrant
By RRJ Article fro CP
Why are we so afraid of offending Muslim immigrants that we will let them get away with the most heinous crimes, including the abuse of our...
Where is the outrage when Democrats lie and do unethical things? Lies and rumors are what seems to be an everyday occurrence creating a narrative that suggests Trump and all his supporters are bad and must be removed. Check...
On Friday (March 3rd), Dan & Amy discussed the latest exclusive regional report on Illinois property taxes from Dan's community newspapers ( The region examined this time: Northwest Suburban Cook County. The question, will you revolt in favor of a better property tax...
Obama’s Organizing for Action Partners with Soros-Linked ‘Indivisible’ to Disrupt Trump’s Agenda
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
by AARON KLEIN19 Feb 2017509 From Breitbart News
Organizing for Action, the activist group that morphed from Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, has partnered with the newly-formed Indivisible Project...
President Trump has been provided the evidence of a paper trail leading to a FISA court that substantiates his assertions that Obama, obtained authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign under the pretense of a national security investigation
This is...