The Only Person I Have Ever Loved Is You
M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”


Miss Constitution, it seems, has nothing better to do than watch episodes of The Crown. In this one, Elizabeth II, the Queen, dressed for a formal dinner, faces her husband in their bedroom, and confronts a reality she has tried to avoid. Looking him squarely in the eye she says bravely, “The only person I have ever loved is you. Can you honestly say the same thing?” Silence.


Confirmation of the awful truth. Her love for her husband is not matched by his love for her. We all know not to ask the question if we cannot take the answer. The Queen had been patient; she had been long-suffering; she had hoped she could secure the one personal relationship she wanted the most. The reality of the situation did not change her feelings, but it did remove the rose-colored glasses she had been wearing for some time.


We, as Americans have been wearing the Queen’s glasses. We have assumed that the Republic is on solid footing; that our storied institutions are holding up; that there is an honorable cadre of elected and appointed public officials that humbly serve WE THE PEOPLE. Miss Constitution thinks that it is time we courageously ask the questions that must be asked: “Are you, in whom we put our trust, serving us or yourselves? Have you betrayed the very nation that has asked only for your love and your loyalty?” Silence. Confirmation of the awful truth.


The glasses come off; the
bright sunshine of truth burns our eyes; we are temporarily stunned and wobbly.
We, the People, and Sovereigns of this great nation have been betrayed. The servants have become the masters. With our common sense and uncanny ability to see through layers of fog and obfuscation, we elected an unusual President to ferret out the rot we subconsciously knew was there; to confront the loss of our once-great economic system; and to re-prioritize and re-capture those elusive qualities that make a good and decent people – adherence to the Rule of Law, personal integrity, and stewardship of one’s person, one’s family, and one’s country.


Part of that Rule of Law is the United States Constitution. The checks and balances that form an essential part of its structure do not include the deliberate, malicious, and malevolent emasculation of a duly elected President of the United States. Oversight of the executive branch by the legislative branch does not include preventing the executive from functioning. It does not include humiliating the nation’s chief protector and representative to the world.


It does not include illegal leaks and
artificial schemes and loopholes that weaken the implementation of foreign policy that is the sole prerogative of the Chief Executive. It does not include creating vacuums that are then filled by the nation’s enemies and by the world’s cruel and corrupt potentates.


Through our rose-colored glasses
we held a piece of fruit representing our system that seemed apparently healthy. Now that the glasses have been removed and we have sliced it in half we can see that some of it is rotten to the core. Elizabeth, having asked the question and gotten the answer, turned and walked quietly away. She did not, however, break down. We, the People, cannot break down.


We must make it right, as the
stewards we are for the posterity we have produced. What can we do?
*Pray for the strength of the President and the Vice-President and any who are honorable
*Educate yourself regarding how the system is supposed to function and what the proper
roles are for each of the branches of the federal government and its relationship to the states
*Refuse to be indoctrinated by those who would have you negate your country and invite
your self-loathing


Last week Miss Constitution wrote about the important notion of a peaceful transfer of power that is essential to a stable social order. Leading Democrats have refused to honor this concept.
Once power has been transferred the loss is to be sustained graciously; there can be no public criticism as a new administration takes over, and time and cooperation are offered so that the nation can retain the strength and viability of its institutions. The losing candidate has a very high duty in this regard. No negative books are to be written; no negative speeches given; no negative letters written to foreign operatives; only a humble “congratulations” and promise of support are to be the gifts to our system from a non-winning Presidential campaign.


Those public servants who
retain their civil servant positions through many administrations are to do the same – Presidents, too. John Adams to Thomas Jefferson; John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson; James Buchanan to Abraham Lincoln; Dwight D. Eisenhower to John F. Kennedy; George Herbert Walker Bush to William Jefferson Clinton; Barack Obama to Donald J. Trump. The deep state should not exist.


Queen Elizabeth loves her husband; she also loves her country; and has accepted all manner of governance whether she personally liked each player or not. She knows that the eternal must prevail for Britain to survive the ages. This is also true for us. The United States Constitution is our nation’s eternal. May America right herself soon; not, of course, through a Queen, but through her good and decent people taking back the power that is rightfully theirs and punishing those who have abandoned duty to the Supreme Positive Law of the Land. Miss Constitution thinks heads should roll for what has been done in their name. George Washington would not have hesitated.


Copyright© M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”